Number ranges

You can find the settings for the number ranges in the admin under Settings > Shop.


Number ranges are series of character and number combinations that are used to uniquely identify purchase orders, customers, or documents. As a rule, there are legal requirements that intervene here. Depending on requirements, it may be necessary to include day, month or year in the number range or to add character strings.

In the overview of number ranges, you will see a list of all currently available number ranges. The name (1) of the number range, the type (2) of the document and the respective assignment (3) to one or more sales channels are displayed. As long as no explicit number range has been added to a sales channel, the system always falls back on Global.
The respective number range can be edited or removed via the context menu (4). You can use the Add number range button (5) to create a completely new number range. (6) Here you can switch through the individual translations of the number range titles and adjust them by double-clicking next to the title.

Add a number range

After you have clicked on Create number range, the following window will appear, with which you can create a completely new number range.

Name and Description (1): Enter a meaningful name and a description to better identify the number range in the administration. 
Prefix (2): Specify a string that should always be placed before the number.
Start number (3): Enter the number with which this number range is to start.
Suffix (4): Specify a string that should always be set after the number.
Advanced mode (5): With this switch, you deactivate the creation of the number with prefix and suffix and activate the creation of the number range with Pattern instead.
Current number(6): If a number range has already been used, the current, last assigned number is displayed here.
Preview (7): Here you can see what a number in your number range would look like in the end.
Assignment (8): Here you can specify the purpose of the number range and the sales channel to which it is assigned. Number ranges are usually defined for a particular sales channel. This is the case, for example, with invoice or customer numbers. However, some number ranges, such as article numbers, can also be defined across sales channels. 

Advanced mode

If you activate the Advanced mode in the settings, the creation of the number range with prefix and suffix is deactivated, and the Pattern field is added. Here you can define your own formatting in order to include the date in the number range, for example.

The following variables can be used in the pattern:

{n}: Corresponds to the incrementing number, which starts with the specified start number. 
{date}: Corresponds to the current date in international format.  (YYYY-MM-DD)
{date_dmy}: Custom date format. {date_dmy} The following variables can be used for the date: Y = Year, y = Year in two digits, M = Month, m = Month as number, D = Day, d = Day as number.


If the start number were 12345, the following patterns would give the following numbers.

Order{n}-{date}: Order12345-2019-05-23
Order{n}-{date_d.m.Y}: Order12345-23.05.2019
Order{n}-{date_Y-M-D}: Order12345-2019-MAY-THU
Order{n}_{date_dmy}: Order12345_230519

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