You can find the shipping methods in the Shopware 6 Administration under Settings > Shop.
In the overview of the shipping methods, all created shipping methods are listed according to name, description and the active status (1).
Language selection (2): Here you can choose the language for which you want to see the shipping methods.
Add shipping methods (3): You can create a new shipping method with this button.
Position (4): Indicates the actual position of the shipping method within the checkout shipping method selection.
List settings (5): Here you can show or hide individual columns in the overview.
Refresh button (6): Refreshes the current view of the shipping methods.
Context menu (7): Here you can edit or delete the corresponding shipping method.
Here we show you step by step how to create a new general shipping method. You can set up a more specific shipping method, such as shipping by freight carrier or cash on delivery, using the rules of the Rule Builder. You can find detailed instructions, including a video tutorial, here.
Name (1): Here you enter the name of the shipping method. This is used internally in the overview but also externally in the sales channel.
Position (2): Here you can set the display order of the shipping methods in the checkout. A "1" therefore stands for the first / top position, a "2" for the second postion and so on.
Active (3): Here you decide whether this shipping method should be active or not.
Description (4): Here you can insert a more detailed description. This will also be displayed in the overview and in the sales channel.
Upload logo (5): In this area you can choose your own logo for this shipping method. You can either upload a file from your computer, upload a file from a URL or use a logo that you have already uploaded in the media.
Delivery time (6): Here you can enter a delivery time. This will be displayed when you select the shipping method. In order for the delivery time to be displayed in the frontend by default, it is necessary to activate the option Show delivery time in cart under SettingsYShopYShopping cart.
Tracking URL (7): In this field you can enter the tracking number of your shipping service provider. Instead of the actual tracking number you can enter the placeholder "%s" here. Shopware will then automatically insert the correct code for each order from the order details - if maintained - at this point.
Tags (8): Here you can enter keywords for the shipping method, so that it can be found more easily later.
In the availability rule you decide when shipping is possible using this shipping method. The rules of the Rule Builder are used for this. If no suitable rule has been created yet, you can also add a new rule directly at this point.
Select how taxes are calculated in the shipping costs:
In the case of "Ancillary costs share the fate of the main costs/service", the VAT of the shipping costs is calculated proportionally to the 7% and 19% product:
60/20 = 3/1 => VAT. : 10*1/3*1,07 = 3,53 (gross shipping costs). VAT 0,23
60/40 = 3/2 => VAT. : 10*2/3*1,19 = 7,93 (Gross shipping costs). VAT 1,26
Total gross shipping costs: 11,46, Total VAT: 1,49
Under price matrix you can now determine the shipping costs for this shipping method. A price matrix is available for this purpose, in which you can define several price rules.
First you can add a restriction (1) to this matrix. Here you can select a rule from the Rule Builder or create a new one and the price matrix will only be used if this condition is fulfilled. If you do not select a rule here, this price matrix will always be used for this shipping method.
To create the price matrix, you can choose whether it is based on predefined properties (4) or on rules from the Rule Builder (5).
As soon as you have created a price matrix, you can add another rule to the price matrix by clicking the button Add pricing level (2). Using the context menu (3) you can remove or duplicate the complete price matrix. If you want to select a predefined shopping cart property or an individually created rule as the base for the price matrix, you can set this via the selection fields (6).
With the button Add price matrix (7) you can add another price matrix, in which you can then again store a restriction (1) and price rules (4 and 5).
If you create the price matrix according to a property, the properties number ofitems, basket value, weight and volume are available.
Using the example of cart value, such a price matrix would look like this:
Here you can fill the price matrix with any number of price rules with respective prices. In this case the first price rule is:
Cart value from 0 to 5 = Price: 4,90€
The second price rule is:
Shopping cart value from 5 to any = price: €3.90 €
Here you will find a more detailed description of the individual properties.
Number of items:
This property takes the number of all items in the shopping cart into account.
Cart value:
As you can see in the example above, this option takes into account the value of all the items in the shopping cart together.
Takes the total weight of all items in the shopping cart into account. In the standard system, the weight is calculated using the unit kilogram. You can enter the weight of an item in the specifications of the product.
The volume of all items is taken into account here. You can also define this information in the specifications of the product. The volume per item results from the product of width, height and length. Shopware calculates here in millimetres by default, so that the product of width, length and height is always cubic millimetres.
Example: You have a product with a width of 30cm, a height of 20cm and a length of 50cm. The calculation in this case is: 300mm x 200mm x 500mm = 30000000mm³.
If you want to replace an existing price matrix, you can simply delete it and create a new one.
You can also build the price matrix according to a self-defined rule from the Rule Builder instead of one of the given properties.
In this example, the first price rule is:
Shipping Country is Germany = Price: 4.90 €
The second price rule is:
Shipping Country is not Germany = Price: 8.90 €
In order for a shipping method to be used by the customer, it must be assigned to the corresponding sales channel.
In the general settings of your sales channel you will find the section shipping methods. Here you can enter all available shipping methods as well as a standard shipping method.