In the admin area under Settings > Shop you will find the section Products, which offers you some settings to display the products in the listing of your storefront.
In this area you can define whether newly created products should automatically be assigned to a sales channel.
In the drop-down menu, select all sales channels to which new products are to be automatically assigned. Then activate this function. In the Visibility for selected sales channels section, you can set the default visibility of the new products, just like in the product configuration.
In the product section you will find product related settings of the product listing.
The settings can either be made directly for all sales channels or alternatively for individual sales channels.
The first option Display buy buttons in listings allows you to display the "Add to shoppingcart" button for each of your products in the product list. The "Add to shoppingcart" button is used on products without variants. For variant products, however, "Details" is displayed instead of "Add to shoppingcart".
Once this option is deactivated, the "Add to shoppingcart" button will no longer be displayed. The "Details" button is used for all products.
The next option Hide products after clearance, when activated, ensures that your sales items are hidden in the storefront when the stock level reaches 0.
If you activate the Show reviews option, the current average review is shown in the form of stars.
If you activate this option, filter options that would have no results are deactivated in the frontend and cannot be selected.
In the field for the option Mark products as 'new', for ? days, you can specify how many days a product should be marked as new if its release date is no more than the specified number of days ago, e.g. 30.
Enter here how many products should be displayed in the product listing per page. If a listing has more products than stated here, this is divided into several pages.
Select the sorting option here according to which the products are to be sorted by default in the frontend. The sorting options can be created and edited in the Sorting Options area.
In this section you can create and edit the sorting options according to which the products in your Product Listing should be sorted.
The overview (1) in this area lists all created sorting options including an indication of the criterion by which the sorting was done and the priority, in which order the options are available in the frontend. You can adjust the priority by double-clicking on the current priority.
These sorting options are available to the customer in the frontend to sort the product listing accordingly. In the Standard Responsive Theme, the drop down menu for selecting the sorting option is located on the right hand side above the product listing.
On the right side next to each sort option you will find the context menu (2) with which you can edit or remove the sort option.
The button Add option (3) takes you to the screen for creating a new sorting option.
After you have clicked on the Add option button, you will be taken to this screen to create a new sorting option.
In the section General (1) you first enter the name of the option and determine whether it should be active and thus be available for the customer in the frontend.
In the section Sorting criteria (2), all the selected criteria by which this sort option is to be sorted are selected. First the sorting is done according to the sorting criterion with the highest priority (6) and then according to the criteria with the next lower priority.
Use the drop down menu (3) to add new criteria to the sort option. The following criteria are available as standard:
Releasedate, Product stock, product review, product list price, product name, product number, sold units, custom field.
If you add a Custom field (4), you can open a drop-down menu by double-clicking on it, in which you can then select the desired custom field.
Double click on the sequence (5) to decide whether the respective criterion should be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Double click on the priority (6) to change the priority of each criterion.
With the context menu (7) on the right side you can remove the created criterion.