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In the admin area under Settings > Shop you will find the product list, which offers you three settings for displaying the listing in your storefront. The settings can either be made directly for all sales channels or alternatively for individual sales channels.
The first option Display Buy buttons in listings allows you to display the Buy button for each of your products in the product list. The Buy button is displayed with your products by clicking "Add to cart". For variant products, however, "Details" is displayed instead of "Add to cart".
Once this option is deactivated, the buy button will no longer be displayed. The details button is also no longer displayed for variant articles.
The next option Hide products after clearance, when activated, ensures that your sales items are hidden in the storefront when the stock level reaches 0.
In the field for the option Mark products as 'new', for ? days, you can specify how many days a product should be marked as new if its release date is no more than the specified number of days ago, e.g. 30.