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Settings - Shop - Documents

In the document settings you configure the templates for the documents generated by Shopware such as invoice and delivery note. You have the possibility to integrate your company logo and bank details.
You open the module via Settings > Shop > Documents. First you will get an overview of existing templates. In the standard Shopware already provides global templates for delivery note, invoice, credit note and storno bill. To edit these, you can open the context menu via the "..." button and open the template configuration via Edit.
In the context menu you also have the possibility to delete a template.

Please note that the default global templates delivered with the system serve as fallback and cannot be deleted.

In addition, you can create your own templates that you assign to individual or multiple sales channels and then overwrite the global template. The mask for the new creation can be opened by clicking the button Add document.

The basic setting options for the 4 different document types do not differ.

Configuration options

There are no fundamental differences between creating a new template and editing an existing one. Please note that the assignment cannot be adjusted for the global templates delivered with the system, this is only possible for your own templates.

In the following example, the areas that you can customize in this configuration are marked.


In the settings you define, for example, the structure of the file name of the PDF files to be generated, determine the general styling of the document and define which order information is to be output.

  • Name: The name of the template that is displayed in the template overview, for example.
  • Company logo: This module allows you to print your company logo on the document. The logo is included in the standard above.
  • Filename prefix: Is placed before the document number when a PDF document is generated.
  • Filename suffix: Is placed after the document number when a PDF document is generated.
  • Page orientation: Define whether the document is to be created as a portrait or landscape document.
  • Page format: Select the document size, A4 is the default..
  • Display Header: Define whether the letterhead is to be displayed (1).

The data for the header is generated from the basic information of the sales channel (2) in which the order was executed and the order data (customer number, order number and order date).

  • Display Footer: Define whether the footer should be displayed (3). The data displayed in the footer can be configured in the company settings.
  • Display page count: Specify whether the page number is to be printed at the bottom (4)
  • Display line item: Allows you to hide the entire range of line items (5)
  • Display line item positions: Inserts a numbering column into the product area of the document. (6)
  • Display prices: If active, VAT, product unit price and product total price are displayed. (7)
  • Items per page: Configure the number of positions after which the page break should occur.

Company settings

  • Display company address: (De)activate display of company address in address field above customer address (8)
  • Company addresse: Enter the address that is to be integrated above the customer address if necessary (8)
  • Company name: Displayed at the bottom of the document above the tax information (9)
  • Company e-mail: Is integrated in the top right corner in the header (10)
  • Company URL: Also displayed at the top in the header (11)
  • Tax number: Is inserted at the bottom left of the tax information (12)
  • VAT ID: Displayed together with tax number in tax information (13)
  • Bank name: Is included as the second column bank account below (14)
  • IBAN: Displayed below the bank name (15)
  • BIC: Is also added to the bank information (16)
  • Place of Jurisdiction: The third column contains further legal information such as the place of jurisdiction (17)
  • Place of fulfilment: In addition to the place of jurisdiction, the place of fulfilment is also indicated here (18)
  • Execcutive director: The fourth column shows the executive director(s) (19)


  • Document type (can only be changed for your own document templates): This defines the documents for which this template is used (delivery note, invoice, credit note or storno bill).
  • Sales channel (only available for your own document templates): Specify here for which sales channels the template is to be used, multiple selection is possible.


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