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To configure how the search function behaves on your site, navigate to Settings > shop > search.


Search behavior

In this section, you can configure how the search function handles a search request that's made out of multiple words and when the search function is triggered.

If you choose and (1) the search function will only show results containing all terms, e.g. Searching for beach ball will only show results that contain beach and ball.
The or (2) function will hand out each result that matches one of the terms. e.g. Searching for beach ball will show results that contain beach or ball.

The search is triggered once the minimum search term length (3) is reached.

Please note that the minimum search term length is three, everything below that will be ignored by the system.

Searchable content

The searchable content is separated into multiple sections, so that you can individually rank the section.
To change the settings of a section, double-click in the line of choice.

Reset to default (1): This button will reset all default searchable content to default.
Show example (2): Opens a modal with search raking examples.
Rebuild search index (3): Takes you to the live search, where you can rebuild the search index.
General (4): Here you can view and configure the default searchable content.
Custom fields (5): Here you can view and configure the custom searchable content.


Content (1): Lets you define how a specific content is to be handled by the search function.

  • Category custom fields - This is only available after creation under Settings > System > Additional fields. It must be assigned to a category and use the type Text field or number field. The products that are assigned to a category with these additional fields are found here. 
  • Category name - Name of category assigned to the products to be searched. The products that are assigned to this category are found here. 
  • Custom search terms - These are the search keywords that you have entered on the product page.
  • Product description - This is found on the product page under the general information section.
  • Product EAN - The EAN number that is stored on the product page under the section labeling.
  • Manufacturer custom fields - This is only available after creating under Settings > System > Custom fields. Needs to be assigned to manufacturer and use the type text field or number field.
  • Manufacturer name - the manufacturer name.
  • Manufacturer number - This is found on the product page under manufacturer number.
  • Product meta description - This is found on the product page under the tab SEO.
  • Product meta title -  This is found on the product page under the tab SEO.
  • Product name - The product name.
  • Property value - These are the product properties values e.g. milk, sugar, blue, red, medium, small.
  • Product number - The product number.
  • Property name - These are the product properties e.g. ingredients, color, size.
  • Product tag - These are the tags that you have entered on the product page.

Searchable (2): Toggles whether it is considered in the search.
Ranking score (3): Defines how much weight is put behind the content. The higher the value, the more weight it brings.
Split search terms (4): Search terms with certain special characters like - or / and so on are split. E.g. the product number PT-64/515.  If activated, it would search for PT, 64 and 515. If inactive, it does not split it, then it will search for PT-64/515.
"..." Menu (5) - This menu will let you reset a specific content back to the default value.

Custom fields

Add custom content (1): Lets you add custom searchable content
Content (2): Lets you define how custom searchable content is to be handled by the search function.
Searchable (3): Toggles whether it is considered in the search.
Ranking score (4): Defines how much weight is put behind the content. The higher the value, the more weight it brings.
Split search terms (5): Search terms with certain special characters like - or / and so on are split. E.g. the product number PT-64/515.  If activated, it would search for PT, 64 and 515. If inactive, it does not split it, then it will search for PT-64/515.
"..." Menu (6) - This menu will let you reset a specific content back to the default value or remove it entirely.

If you click add custom content, a blank line will be added, you need to double-click it in order to edit it. Now, you can select a custom text field from the drop-down menu (1). Confirm your settings with the blue check mark (2).

Please bear in mind that you can only use custom fields of the type number or text field.

Excluded search terms

In this section, you can add all keywords that should be excluded from the search.

Search bar (1): This bar will let you search all excluded terms.
Exclude search term (2): Click here to add a new term to the exclusion list.
Empty bar (3): This only shows up after clicking on exclude search term, enter the term you wish to exclude and confirm by using the blue check mark (4).
"..." Menu (5): This hides the delete function. Use it to remove terms from your exclusion list.
Excluded terms (6): All excluded terms are listed below, these can span over multiple pages (7).
Drop down menu (8): You can increase the number of shown excluded terms on the page by selecting this number from here.

Search index

Click rebuild search index to update your search index, next to the button you can see when it was last updated.

If the search index is being rebuilt, you can see the progress.

Please note that it's mandatory to keep the window open while the index is being rebuilt.

This section will let you preview the search results on a sales channel base without having to visit the frontend of your web store.

Select a sales channel (1): Select the sales channel in which you want to test your search.
Search (2): Enter the term you wish to test.
Show example (3): Opens a modal with search ranking examples.

The preview of your search is shown.

Based on the configured rank scores for the search terms and a search algorithm applied by us, a calculated rank score results. The displayed rank score therefore usually differs from the configured values. The displayed rank score can therefore be lower and higher than expected.

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