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Settings - Shop - Taxes

The sub item Taxes gives you an overview of your current tax rates, you can access them via Settings > shop > tax.
Within this overview you have the possibility to create new tax rates (1) and manage them.

The context menu (2) on the right of the table also gives you the option of editing or deleting existing tax rates.

Create a new tax rate

If you click on the button to create a new tax rate, a new window will open, showing you the configuration you can make for your new tax rate.
Here you can name it individually (1) and assign it a percentage value (2).

Edit an existing tax rate

The editing screen for existing taxes is structured similarly to the new creation screen.
Here you can adjust previously made configurations again.
This time, these already refer to an already existing tax rate and may thus have effects on your live operation.

Since you are accessing an already existing tax rate, which may already be used in your live system, other calculations of invoices, etc. with items that have been assigned this tax rate may occur.

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