The account is the central hub for all services related to the use of Shopware. Here you will find various functions and options, such as an overview of your shop plans, information about support (commercial versions), offering and placing extensions in the store and managing software and extension subscriptions.
With the login ID of your Shopware account, you can log in to all Shopware portals, such as the forum or the store. In addition, you can log in to your Shopware shop with these details.
The former Shopware ID is replaced by the user administration. If you still have a Shopware ID, log in with it and switch to a personal user account.
In the following steps we will explain how to create a Shopware account, link your shop to the account and download the first extension.
To create a Shopware account, go to, click on "Register now" and fill in the required fields on the right-hand side of the page (email address, password, title, first name, last name and language).
With a click on "Register" you send the data and your Shopware account will be created.
After registration you can log in directly with your chosen data. You will also receive an email confirming your registration.
If you already have a Shopware account, you can log in at with the data you have chosen.
After you have logged in for the first time, the completion of your profile is required. Please fill in the required fields. Once your profile has been completed, the basic setup is complete.
Please provide us with your complete and correct master data including address, e-mail address and telephone number. The company name must be indicated exactly as in the commercial register or in the business registration. If you use a trade name in business transactions, this may also be indicated (e.g. instead of "Max Mustermann" then "XYZ-Products, Inh. Max Mustermann")..
We ask agencies to bear in mind that client and agency data must not be mixed.
For companies in other EU countries, we may only issue net invoices if we have a correct VAT ID. Otherwise we are forced to issue gross invoices. If the master data has any inconsistencies, please contact our Customer Care or Financial Services.
The customer number is output on documents with eight characters. The first six digits are the customer number, the last two digits indicate whether it is a manually created invoice (00) or whether the invoice refers to a domain (01, 02 ,03,...)
Since plugins are linked to the shop domain and the account, the shop domain has to be linked after the creation of the account.
First select Merchant (1) in the dropdown at the top left and then Shops (2). In the overview you will see all existing stores. On the right side you can see which plan is assigned to the store (4).
Create a new shop: Click on Register a Community Edition Shop on the top (3). Now the following window will open:
Here you can choose between a new SaaS shop or an existing self-hosted shop. If you want to register an existing self-hosted shop, the following window appears:
Please enter the Shop domain and select the Shopware version you are using, including the type of use (productive environment or test environment).
You will now receive information on the validation of the shop domain.
After completing the steps described here, click on Next Step.
Please do not delete the file sw-domain-hash.html from your server yet, it will be needed in the next step.
You can now verify your domain here.
In addition, please read and confirm our terms and conditions in order to be able to finally register your shop.
In order to purchase e.g. chargeable plugins, it is necessary to deposit a payment method or to pre-load the account with the necessary credit.
This is possible in Shopware Account under Account > Accounting, as payment methods you can choose PayPal, credit card and direct debit.
Please note the following restrictions on the respective payment methods:
The deposited payment method can then be selected when purchasing a chargeable extension during the order completion in the store.
For payments in advance or to balance invoices, it is possible to pay any amount (minimum deposit 5.00 €) into the customer account.
Please note that this deposit is made per shop domain, so this is also done in the account under Merchant > Shops > Shop details > Account details.
For the recharge you can choose from the payment methods added to the account.
Alternatively, it is also possible to make a PayPal payment to the PayPal account "". Please always state your customer number and domain.
Please note that the purchase of extensions in our store is only possible if you agree to the terms and conditions in your Shopware account.
In order to be able to purchase chargeable extensions, it is necessary to deposit a payment method in your Shopware account. Details can be found in the section Enter payment data / top up the account.
Open the Shopware Community Store:
You can quickly reach the extensions you are looking for by using the navigation, alternatively you can also work with the search. The image below shows you what the corresponding listing looks like.
The left-hand filter area is important here, in which you can filter by Shopware versions, for example. The filters become more and more granular the more detailed you set them. If you click on a major version, you can then also filter by the associated minor versions and then by the associated bugfix versions. This way you can make sure that the extensions displayed are compatible with your Shopware version. If you click on an extension, you will be redirected to the detail page:
Here you can view details about the extension and choose between a purchase, rental or test version (if available), view support information and get information about the manufacturer. You can then buy and download the extension directly through the familiar shopping cart process:
Once you are in the checkout, make sure that both the booking domain and the shop domain are correct! Otherwise there may be problems with billing or the extension may not run in the intended shop because it was booked for an incorrect domain.
The booking domain indicates on which domain in your account the booking should be made.
The purchased extension will later be used on the shop domain. Select the shop domain here on which you would like to use the extension afterwards.
Extensions in Shopware 6 can also be easily purchased and added using the administration. To do this, simply navigate to the Extensions section in your administration. There you can click on the menu item Store.
The extensions are divided into apps and themes. You can easily search for an extension using search (1). Additionally, the filters offer you further possibilities to find certain extensions. By clicking on the desired extension you will get to its detail page.
With Add extension (1) you can purchase the extension.
You can find a detailed video tutorial under Extensions in our documentation.
If you have any questions about our plans & products, please contact our sales team at
For more information on payment methods and how to top up your account, please refer to this PDF file.
If you have further questions regarding accounting, please contact our Financial Services at or phone +49 2555 9288 510.
For technical questions about Shopware and our extensions, you can find further information in the article "Help, but where?"