Since Shopware it is possible to disable the internal stock calculation functions, enabling, for example, an ERP, to handle all stock calculations.
The following changes' effect is that Shopware itself no longer calculates any stock-related values - such as in the event of an order placed - which would have an effect on either the stock or available stock. This change also results in the sales of the products no longer being tracked (found in the product overview in the 'Sales' column).
In all new Shopware projects, there is only one lock.yaml file under config/packages/ in the installation. This can also be the case if you have carried out an update and the .yaml files under config/packages/ were not adjusted in the past.
If this is the case for you, you must create a new shopware.yaml file and insert the adjustments here!
In the .yaml file, which you can find in the directory /config/packages/shopware.yaml, you can now add the following code:
enable_stock_management: false
After the edit, the shop's cache should be cleared.
A product's stock values still exist after the change, but Shopware no longer adds or detracts stock values triggered by placed or delivered orders.
At this point, for example, an ERP can take the lead when it comes to stock values, without Shopware having any influence over them.