Plugin: Shipping Restriction

This plugin allows you to block individual countries for deliveries in order to comply with the new EU Geoblocking Directive. A free text field under Basic Settings > Shop Settings > Countries allows you to define whether a country is also available as a delivery country. As of Shopware 5.5.3, this function is already included in the core and the plugin is no longer required.


This extension can be found in our Shopware Store, the easiest way to find a specific plugin is the search-bar. Complete the order process and login to the backend of your store. Navigate to Configuration > Plugin manager > My purchases. You need to login and click the refresh button. Your new extension is now listed and can be installed. After installing the extension go to the menu entry installed and refresh. Activate the extension. Finally delete the cache under Settings > Cache/Performance > Clear Shop Cache and refresh the backend.


After installing the plugin you find a new free text field at Configuration > Basic settings > Shop settings > Countries. To see the field you click on the button for free text fields (1) and there find the option "Allow as shipping country:" (2) to enable or disable a country for shipping.

When you deactivate this checkbox and save the configuration the customer will get an information about countries not available for shipping when he changes his address in the account or the checkout. 

If the customer still chooses one of this restricted countries in the address for shipping he will get another information that a shipment in this country is not possible in the checkout and the button for the finishing of an order will be hidden.

Individualise texts

The shown information texts are defined in the snippets and you can change those at Configuration > Snippets > frontend > address > index.

The snippets have the names "CountryNotAvailableEditor", "CountryNotAvailableEditorInfo" and "CountryNotAvailableForShipping".

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5.0.0 - 5.5.2