Using this plugin you are now able to offer special discounts on certain items and for certain customers. This is completely independent and separate from customer groups and their graduaded prices and offers another way of appreciating your custom.
This extension can be found in our Shopware Store, the easiest way to find a specific plugin is the search-bar. Complete the order process and login to the backend of your store. Navigate to Configuration > Plugin manager > My purchases. You need to login and click the refresh button. Your new extension is now listed and can be installed. After installing the extension go to the menu entry installed and refresh. Activate the extension. Finally delete the cache under Settings > Cache/Performance > Clear Shop Cache and refresh the backend.
In the menu in Customers > Customer specific prices you will find an overview of the already defined groups.
To create a new group, just click add and enter the respective data. When a group is created, you can assign customers to this group via the tab Customers.
Just select your group and drag & drop the desired customers onto the grid on the right hand side.
A customer can only be associated to one group, customers who are already assigned to a group are ignored in the customer search.
After adding any number of customers to the group, you should get on with defining individual prices in the tab Prices.
The customer-specific prices are defined via the Prices tab by entering the prices for any article in your shop. To edit the article, click on it and enter the prices and quantity/discount scales on the right-hand side. As soon as you define a price for a scale, the percentage discount is calculated automatically.
You can define a quantity discount as soon as you have created at least a second scale. A discount for a single scale (e.g. 1 to any) is not possible.