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Using AboCommerce you are able to offer subscriptions of variable intervals and durations for individual items in your shop. AboCommerce this way provides additional means to improve your customer retention. You can set incentives for subscribing to your items by introducing special rewards or discounts to those customers committing themselves to projected purchases.
Like all other plugins, AboCommerce is available in our Store and can be installed just as every other plugin. After completing the initial installation you will then have to define payment methods to be available in your shop. This is particularly important as subscriptions require the implementation of recurring payments. Your preferred payment method should therefore be able to support this kind of payment. To define a payment method, open the module Marketing > AboCommerce > Payment means and drag the desired payment methods to the right side of the window.
AboCommerce uses recurring payments, keep in mind, that your payment method must support those! PayPal e.g. is capable of performing recurring payments. However you will need to have the feature activated by PayPal first. After successful activation you just need to change the PayPal option "Billing agreements" to "active".
If you fail to unlock payment methods for AboCommerce, orders will be processed using the fallback payment method. That is why you should, by all means, define a fallback payment method that supports recurring payments.
In the backend access the plugin via Marketing > AboCommerce and click the tab Settings. Here you can set basic settings for the plugin e.g. for the subscription's listing in
Open an item's details section in the backend and switch to the tab AboCommerce. This is where you can make all required settings and start selling subscription items in your own shop.
On the tab Settings you can set detailed conditions for the subscription:
The subscription starts immediately. That is why an interval of 1 week and a duration of 10 weeks equates 11 single deliveries.
In this very line you can also define the operand used to calculate the above mentioned settings. You can choose whether subscriptions are based on weekly or monthly cycles.
The following settings also have an influence on the previously defined delivery cycles and intervals.
The tab Discounts is where you set your discounts. You can choose between absolute or percentual discounts and set those for any customer group separately and based on the delivery interval.
In the AboCommerce module in Marketing > AboCommerce you can get an overview of the subscription items by clicking the tab subscription items. Here you see the name and order number of the item and you see the active and exclusive state of the item's subscription. Additionally you can open the item directly.
In the AboCommerce module, accessible via the main menu Marketing > AboCommerce, you can survey all running subscription items on the tab Discount subscriptions. Besides that you can open the user or item management, delete a subscription, open the last order of a subscription or trigger the next follow-up order, regardless of the delivery interval.
By clicking Show only due items only those items are displayed that need to be shipped next. Here you can check all due orders and Execute due orders all at once using a batch process. Already executed orders can be found in the order module in Customers > Order.
The AboCommerce plugin comes with a seperate email template for follow-up orders. You can find this template in the email template module in the main menue: Configuration > Email templates > User emails, there the template is named sABOCOMMERCE. By clicking on Variable information you can examine all available variables in this template.
AboCommerce can trigger follow-up orders by making use of a cronjob. On triggering the cronjob all due orders will be executed. The cronjob is named AboCommerce-orders and can be found in the cronjob overview in Configuration > Basic settings > System > Cronjobs.
To trigger a cronjob, the plugin "Cron" has to be installed and set as active. Further information on cronjobs can be obtained through the wiki article on cronjobs.
After all settings were made in the backend, you can find your subscription items in the different listings containing those items.
The subscription items are tagged with a badge in the listing, helping you and your customers to simply spot the subscription items in your shop. Additionally the listing can be filtered for subscription items.
Like described in the settings there are two ways you can offer subscriptions. First there are the subscription-only items (exclusive) and the subscription-optional items (not exclusive). The latter can be bought once without taking a subscription, the former are only available through a continuous subscription. Furthermore you can monitor the defined rebates here and set gradual rebates for your subscription items. Additionally customers can set a delivery interval and the duration of the subscription here.
At the checkout customers get detailed information on every item they are subscribed to. Information on the interval, duration, price per delivery and overall price are available.
In the account, every user can get an overview of his subscriptions and take a look at detailed information like interval, duration, next delivery, sum and so on. Your customers can also change the shipping address for the following deliveries here.