The additional fields offer you the possibility to add your own fields for the different program-areas in order to save your own information here. For example, you can enter your own additional information for products or categories that are not yet available in the standard system and can use it also in the rulebuilder or you can show them in the storefront.
You can find the administration module under Settings > System > Custom fields.
Create Set
The additional fields are sorted into sets. This means that each set can contain several additional fields. For example, you can combine thematically similar additional fields in one set. These sets can then be assigned to one or more programme areas such as products or categories. You then have the option of filling the additional fields with information within these program-areas.
To create a set click on the New set button, the following window will open
A unique technical name is required to create a new set.
Please note that the technical name cannot be changed later.
In addition, you can assign a label, which is used for the display in the administration. The label can optionally be defined in all administration languages.
It is also necessary to specify for which program areas the set is to be available.
If no area is selected, the set is created but is not available in any area.
Create custom field
When you have created the set or in the case of already existing sets, all additional fields of this set are displayed in the lower area. To open the window for creating an additional field, click on the New custom field button.
The view of the modal varies depending on the type selected, as different specifications are required. However, the technical name is a mandatory field in any case. Depending on the additional field type (e.g. selection), however, further fields should be filled in, otherwise the user will not be able to select meaningful data.
A selection additional field offers you the possibility of defining various options from which one or more options can be selected later when using the additional field. With a category additional field, you could, for example, specify several headings from which one or more can be selected and thus assigned later in the category configuration.
These configuration options are available for creating an custom selection field:
- Technical name (required): Unique name for the custom field. It can only be used once in the system and cannot be changed later.
- Position: You can use the item to sort the custom fields within the set. The lower the value, the further up the custom field is displayed.
- Required: Use this to define whether a selection is mandatory.
- Label: The label is used to assign a name that can be easily understood by the user. This name is displayed in the administration modules, for example, if the additional field is included there.
- Placeholder: Displayed in the dropdown menu as long as no selection has been made.
- Help text: The help text can be displayed by mouse over a blue question mark symbol.
- Multi select: Use the switch to define whether only one option or several can be selected.
- Technical name: Also, each of the options for selection requires a unique technical name
- Label: A label describing the option can be assigned for better presentation. This label is then also displayed in the selection list instead of the technical name.
- add option: This button allows you to add the input fields for another option.
Exemplary view in the administration
Object selection
With the object selection additional field you can refer directly to other data fields. This way you can select direct references to existing data fields such as
products, categories, countries, shipping and payment methods and many more.
The following configuration options are available for creating an object selection additional field:
- Technical name (required): Unique name for the custom field. It can only be used once in the system and cannot be changed later.
- Position: You can use the item to sort the custom fields within the set. The lower the value, the further up the custom field is displayed.
- Required: Use this to define whether a selection is mandatory.
- Label: The label is used to assign a name that can be easily understood by the user. This name is displayed in the administration modules, for example, if the additional field is included there.
- Placeholder: Displayed as long as no entry has been made.
- Help text: The help text can be displayed by mouse over a blue question mark symbol.
- Object type: With the object type you determine which data field you want to reference. The data fields from your Shopware administration are available here: dynamic product group, experience world, manufacturer, category, customer, country, delivery method, product, sales channel, payment method. The object type can no longer be changed once the additional field has been created.
- Multiple selection: Use the switch to define whether only one option or several can be selected.
Example view in the administration
Text field
With the text field you provide a field in which text can be stored.
These configuration options are available for creating a text field:
- Technical name (required): Unique name for the custom field. It can only be used once in the system and cannot be changed later.
- Position: You can use the item to sort the custom fields within the set. The lower the value, the further up the custom field is displayed.
- Required: Use this to define whether a selection is mandatory.
- Label: The label is used to assign a name that can be easily understood by the user. This name is displayed in the administration modules, for example, if the additional field is included there.
- Placeholder: Displayed as long as no entry has been made.
- Help text: The help text can be displayed by mouse over a blue question mark symbol.
Exemplary view in the administration
Offers the option of adding a media file to display it on the product details page, for example, with a template adjustment in the frontend.
The following configuration options are available for creating an custom media field:
- Technical name (required): Unique name for the custom field. It can only be used once in the system and cannot be changed later.
- Position: You can use the item to sort the custom fields within the set. The lower the value, the further up the custom field is displayed.
- Required: Use this to define whether a selection is mandatory.
- Label: The label is used to assign a name that can be easily understood by the user. This name is displayed in the administration modules, for example, if the additional field is included there.
Exemplary view in the administration
Provides a field for entering numbers. This can be any measure or quantity that is to be recorded in numbers.
The following configuration options are available for creating an custom number field:
- Technical name (required): Unique name for the custom field. It can only be used once in the system and cannot be changed later.
- Position: You can use the item to sort the custom fields within the set. The lower the value, the further up the custom field is displayed.
- Required: Use this to define whether a selection is mandatory.
- Label: The label is used to assign a name that can be easily understood by the user. This name is displayed in the administration modules, for example, if the additional field is included there.
- Placeholder: Displayed as long as no entry has been made.
- Help text: The help text can be displayed by mouse over a blue question mark symbol.
- Number type: Here you can choose whether the possible entries are an integer or a float.
- Steps: Defines the steps that are possible to enter the number. This allows you, for example, to ensure that a certain scale is always adhered to.
- Min: Specify the smallest possible input
- Maximum: Specify the largest input possible
Exemplary view in the administration
Date / Time
Provides a selection mask for selecting a date and time. This is conceivable, for example, as an event date for tickets.
The following configuration options are available for creating a date/time selection:
- Technical name (required): Unique name for the custom field. It can only be used once in the system and cannot be changed later.
- Position: You can use the item to sort the custom fields within the set. The lower the value, the further up the custom field is displayed.
- Required: Use this to define whether a selection is mandatory.
- Label: The label is used to assign a name that can be easily understood by the user. This name is displayed in the administration modules, for example, if the additional field is included there.
- Help text: The help text can be displayed by mouse over a blue question mark symbol.
Exemplary view in the administration
Here you have the simple option of including a checkbox to activate or deactivate information. With such a checkbox you could, for example, activate or deactivate the information "shipping by forwarding agent" and query this as a rule in the shipping methods.
The following configuration options are available for creating a checkbox:
- Technical name (required): Unique name for the custom field. It can only be used once in the system and cannot be changed later.
- Position: You can use the item to sort the custom fields within the set. The lower the value, the further up the custom field is displayed.
- Required: Use this to define whether a selection is mandatory.
- Label: The label is used to assign a name that can be easily understood by the user. This name is displayed in the administration modules, for example, if the additional field is included there.
- Help text: The help text can be displayed by mouse over a blue question mark symbol.
Exemplary view in the administration
Active/Inactive switch
Includes a switch that provides a boolean data set ("0"/"1") in the background.
The following configuration options are available for creating an active/inactive switch:
- Technical name (required): Unique name for the custom field. It can only be used once in the system and cannot be changed later.
- Position: You can use the item to sort the custom fields within the set. The lower the value, the further up the custom field is displayed.
- Required: Use this to define whether a selection is mandatory.
- Label: The label is used to assign a name that can be easily understood by the user. This name is displayed in the administration modules, for example, if the additional field is included there.
- Help text: The help text can be displayed by mouse over a blue question mark symbol.
Exemplary view in the administration
Text Editor
Provides a text editor that allows you to easily enter styled text and include it in the frontend, e.g. by editing the template.
The following configuration options are available for creating a text editor:
- Technical name (required): Unique name for the custom field. It can only be used once in the system and cannot be changed later.
- Position: You can use the item to sort the custom fields within the set. The lower the value, the further up the custom field is displayed.
- Required: Use this to define whether a selection is mandatory.
- Label: The label is used to assign a name that can be easily understood by the user. This name is displayed in the administration modules, for example, if the additional field is included there.
- Placeholder: Displayed as long as no entry has been made.
Exemplary view in the administration
Color picker
Allows you to select a color by selecting from a color palette or entering the HEX color code.
The following configuration options are available for creating a color picker:
- Technical name (required): Unique name for the custom field. It can only be used once in the system and cannot be changed later.
- Position: You can use the item to sort the custom fields within the set. The lower the value, the further up the custom field is displayed.
- Required: Use this to define whether a selection is mandatory.
- Label: The label is used to assign a name that can be easily understood by the user. This name is displayed in the administration modules, for example, if the additional field is included there.
Exemplary view in the administration
Include custom field in the storefront
If you want to display the content of an custom field in the storefront, a template adjustment is necessary.
This is explained in detail in the article changing a template.