Please note that this article is only for users of a self-hosted store. This is not relevant for users of a Shopware 6 SaaS environment.
In the Shopware update section, which can be found under Settings > System, you can start the update process.
(1) Before you start the update, the system requirements are checked again. If something is not in the green zone, you should definitely check your system for the required system requirements beforehand and adjust them if necessary.
(2) Under Extension compatibility, you can find out whether your activated extensions will be available in the next version. One of the following three status messages will be displayed in your system after each extension during the update:
Already compatible - Means that the installed version of the extension is already compatible with the new Shopware version.
With the new Shopware version - Means that you have the option to update the extension to a compatible version after updating the store.
Not compatible - Means that there is no successor version for this extension, and it will be incompatible with the new Shopware version.
Follow the link to the general guide to see all available options for updating Shopware.
Before installing an update, you should make a backup of your shop database and server files, so you are able to restore it in case of a problem.