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Install Shopware 6

These instructions will explain what you need to consider before installing Shopware 6 and guide you through the installation process.

Prior to installation

Before you install Shopware, you should pay attention to some requirements. Below we explain to you which ones they are.

You can generally run Shopware on a self-hosted server, but for optimal performance we recommend installing Shopware on a server of one of our hosting partners.

Htaccess adjustments

The htaccess file is a configuration file on your web server. Among other things, it specifies which users have access to the shared files and folders. With a htaccess file you have the possibility to allow access to your store only for selected users.
During the installation you should do without the htaccess protection or use the following solution.

Note that a .htaccess protection may result in the admin not being able to open it.
A short term solution is to not authenticate requests to the URL "/api" in the .htaccess:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Please login."
AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd

    Require expr %{THE_REQUEST} =~ m#.*?\s+\/api.*?#
    Require valid-user


System requirements

Prior to installing, you should make sure that your system meets the system requirements for Shopware 6.

If you are unsure about any of the requirements, we recommend that you consult with the server hoster to ensure these requirements are met.

Routing settings

In addition, it is recommended to adjust the routing settings of your web server if necessary.
A corresponding example based on Apache is shown below.

<VirtualHost *:80> 
 ServerName "_HOST_NAME_" 
 DocumentRoot _SHOPWARE_DIR_/public 

 <Directory _SHOPWARE_DIR_> 
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews 
  AllowOverride All 
  Order allow,deny 
  allow from all 

 ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/shopware-platform.error.log 
 CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/shopware-platform.access.log combined 
 LogLevel debug 

Please remember to replace _SHOPWARE_DIR and _HOST_NAME_ with your settings.
You will also notice that the Document root directory points to the /public folder in the Shopware 6 installation directory.
This is necessary because the frontend and the admin interface are located behind it, so it is not necessary to refer to the public directory in the URL in the browser to call the frontend or the admin interface.

Contact your hosting partner if you have any questions about routing.

Downloading Shopware

After you have ensured that the system requirements for Shopware 6 are met and the routing settings of your web server are correctly configured, you can download the Shopware 6 installer and unpack it in the desired directory on your system. Also make sure that the unpacked files and directories have write permissions.


What are checksums and what are they used for?
With the help of programs or program extensions, checksums can be determined from a downloaded file using the set algorithm (e.g. MD5, SHA, etc.). The checksum from the downloaded file can be compared against the checksum that's specified on the download page. This way you can compare whether the downloaded file was downloaded completely and without errors.

Where can I find the Shopware checksums?
You can find the Shopware checksums with the algorithm SHA256 on the Shopware download page. If you display the different versions of Shopware there, a checksum will be displayed on the right-hand side next to the Installation and Update buttons when you move the mouse over them.

How do I compare checksums?
To compare the checksum, you can use a program that displays the checksum after adding the downloaded file to the program using the selected algorithm.
For example, you can use the program FileVerifier++, which is also explained as a check program at the Federal Office for Information Security.
For a more detailed explanation, please click here: Federal Office for Information Security (in German).< /p>

What to do if the checksums are different?
If the checksums are different, the data was transferred incorrectly or the checksum is no longer correct because the data was legitimately updated or the data was not legitimately changed during the transfer.
It is best not to open the downloaded file and delete it directly. If you download the file again and the checksum differs again, you should inform us about this, as there may be an error.

Running the Installer

Please ensure that the system requirements for Shopware 6 are met and that the routing settings of your web server are configured correctly. Then you can proceed to download the Shopware 6 installer. All you need to do is extract it into the desired directory on your system. Make sure that the unzipped files and directories have write access.
To run the installer, simply visit the URL of your shop and you will be greeted by the Shopware 6 installer, which will guide you through the installation step by step.

Under certain circumstances it may be necessary with some hosters to write /index.php after the URL.

Here you can change the language of the installer. The language can also be changed at any time using the country abbreviations at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
By clicking on Next you can continue the installation.

Checking the system requirements

In the second step of the installation, the system requirements are checked to see if they are met. The arrowbuttons list the requirements, the folded out menu show which requirements are not met or which settings can be optimized.

General terms and conditions

In the next step you can read the license under which Shopware is licensed. In order to continue the installer, you must agree to the license terms.

Database configuration

In this step it is time to configure the database. 

Under point (1) you define the server. In most cases the database is located on the same server, so you enter localhost or here. Sometimes there are problems with the translation with the Unix socket, so you might prefer to enter an IP address, because it uses a TCP connection. 
Under point (2) the user name of the database is entered.
Under point (3) the password of the database is entered.
Under point (4) the port of the database is entered.
Under point (5) the file path of the SSL certification authority (CA) is entered. It is important to enter an SSL certificate if an external database server is defined and this requires a secure connection.
Under point (6) the file path of the SSL certificate is entered.
Under point (7) the file path of the SSL certificate key is entered.
Under point (8) it can be defined whether a check of the certificate should take place. This is important in cases where, for example, self-signed SSL certificates are used that do not have an authorized certification authority.
Under point (9) the name of the database is entered.
Under point (10) you can create a database.

Database import

In this step the Shopware database is imported. Click on Start installation to initiate the database import.

The installation wizard will inform you that the installation is completed. Click next to proceed to the configuration.


In the last step you specify the basic settings for your shop:

  • The shop email address will later be the global email address from which all emails are sent.
  • The default system language specifies which language this installation will use as default. This affects both the frontend and the administration area.
  • You have the following default currencies to choose from: Euro, British Pound, US Dollar, Polish zloty, Swiss francs, Swedish kronor, Danish kronor, Norwegian kronor and czech kronor. The currency you choose here will be entered as default in the shop with the currency factor 1. You can add more currencies directly or add more currencies with corresponding conversion factors afterwards.
  • The area starting from the admin email address field defines the administrator user for the administration interface of Shopware 6. Enter his or her relevant data here. If necessary, you can create and manage additional users in the admin interface after installation.
Please bear in mind that the default language and the default currency cannot be changed at a later date.


The installation is now complete and the installer will automatically redirect you to the admin interface. To login use the admin user you have just created to set up your Shopware 6 shop.

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