Item overview


In the item overview you get a perfect view of your items and category assignments.  By clicking on a category in the overview, all articles that are assigned to this category are displayed.

Important information such as the order number, the item description or the price can be seen right from the table overview. The overview also shows whether articles are active or inactive.


By clicking on the column name (1), the contents of the table can be sorted directly. In this way you can quickly and easily sort your articles, e.g. by order number or price. Below the table is an option bar (2) for the table. Here you can see how many items are already in the selected category. You can scroll directly to the next page or set how many items are to be displayed per page. If you want to display the variants of an item in the overview, you can tick Show variants (3).

Columns overview

Here you will find an explanation of all columns and column contents as well as all symbols.

  • Product number is the item number as it appears in the item detail interface.
  • Name is the name and/or description of the item.
  • Supplier is the name of the manufacturer as it appears in the item detail interface.
  • Active shows whether an item is active and available in the frontend or not.
  • Gross price shows you the stored item gross price.
  • Tax Displays the stored tax rate of the item.
  • In stock show the current stock for the item.

Please note that the column "Active" affects the entire article. There is an additional column "Variant active". The column "active" is not inherited by "variant active" and it may therefore be necessary to adjust it additionally. To do this, it may be necessary to show the column first.
This also applies to the column "Sales", for variants this is the column "Detail_lastStock".

Editing items

Click on the edit pencil to open the item detail window. There you can change or make all settings, just like with a new item.

You can also change the values displayed in the overview (except manufacturer and tax) directly by double-clicking. Enter your changes and confirm them with the Enter key.

Deleting items

You can quickly and easily delete many items in the item overview. To delete a single item, simply click on the delete symbol (1). If you then confirm the dialogue, the item will be deleted completely.

To delete several items at once, you will find a checkbox to the left of the order number (5) to quickly select the desired items. Then select the button delete item (2) in the options bar at the top and confirm the dialogue. Here you will also find the option to select all items from the current view at once (4).

Article images, associated thumbnails and other media (e.g. deposited downloads) are not removed from the server when an article is deleted.

Adding items

By clicking the Add item (3) button you can add a new item at any time.

Searching for items

At the top right of the overview you will find the Search field (1). This is a suggestion search. Search hits are automatically suggested when you enter them.

The following criteria are considered during the search:

  • Search by manufacturer
  • Search by order number
  • Search by item description
  • Search by items not in stock
  • Search by items with no category assigned
  • Search by items with no image

In the search hit overview, you can also edit your items directly by double-clicking on them. As in the normal overview, you can see how high the stock level is and whether an item is active or inactive. For example, you can only find inactive items in the administration and not in the storefront.


The split view facilitates the mass processing of products, which can be created more quickly.

To activate the split view, you must select an item using the checkbox (1) and then click on Activate split view (1).

Further options

Multi-edit" is a former advanced feature of the commercial Shopware versions, which has been included in the Shopware standard since Shopware 5. Multi-edit supports you in quickly changing items in a batch process, e.g. quickly deactivating items that no longer have stock. In general, Multi-edit offers 2 main functions, the simple filtering of articles according to certain criteria and the multiple modification of these articles. In the following article, we explain how multiple changes work and give you helpful tips and tricks on how to use them.

The module

Multi-edit is located within the "Item overview" module in your Shopware backend. On the left, you will find the filter and multi-edit window; on the right, a list of your items. This list of items will change at applying new filters.


Under the "Filter" tab, you can filter your items by desired criteria. To do so, just click on "Add" – a popup will appear, where you can easily define your filters using the dropdown fields. Advanced filters are possible with an SQL statement.

Simple filter

The simple filter is suitable for anyone who has not yet / does not want to deal with the database structure, SQL queries and logical links and wants to test/use the general function of the plugin.

Click on "Add" and create a new filter. The first selection you make here refers to a property, for example "Article.Name" for the article name. The middle selection specifies an operation such as "=", "<=" or "ISTRUE". In the third field you define the condition. Please note that for some operators, such as "ISTRUE", no condition can be set because ISTRUE (is true) is already the condition!


Article.Name = Test

This would create a filter that shows you all articles with the name "Test".

You can also add more conditions by clicking on "Add" again. These conditions are each created with an AND link, so ALL conditions must be met in order for the articles to be listed.


Article.Name = Test
Article.ID > 5

This filter gives you the items whose name is "Test" and whose ID is greater than "5".

A simple filter can be converted to an advanced filter at any time, but not all advanced filters can be converted to a simple one. The simple filter does not support parenthesis of commands and OR-operation

Advanced filter

Here you can use individual filters to achieve the best result, but you need SQL knowledge to write these filters.

Example: Manufacturer = "Feinbrennerei Sasse" & items under 20 €

To get this result, the following query would is needed:

SUPPLIER.NAME = "Feinbrennerei Sasse" AND PRICE.PRICE < 20

After writing your query you can click "execute" to execute your filter – the item listing will update and show your result.

If you want to reuse your filter, you can always save it and assign a name. Then the filter will appear in the filter list.

The query field has an indicator for the validity. If your statement is invalid, it will stay red; if it's valid, it will turn green. It has also a dynamic message below, notifying you of what’s wrong with your statement.


Operators will be shown dymanically, depending on the given attribute. For example: After the attribute "Article.Name", the operator ">" never can follow, because this is not a string operator.

  • a = b (a is equal b)
  • a != b (a is not equal b)
  • a ~ b (a matches the regular expression b)
  • a !~ b (a don't match the regular expression b)
  • a IN (b, c) (a = b OR a = c)
  • a ISNULL (a has no value)
  • a > b (a is bigger than b)
  • a >= b (a is bigger or equal b)
  • a < b (a is less than a)
  • a <= b (a is less than or equal b)
  • a ISTRUE (a is true - bool 1)
  • a ISFALSE (a is false - bool 0)

The following operators can be used to link multiple expressions:

  • AND (links two expressions logically with AND)
  • OR (links two expressions logically with OR)
  • ( respectively ) (allows you to bracket your expressions to execute - the bracketed expressions are executed before the operator between the brackets)


Multi-edit is the main function of this feature and will execute the desired changes to the filtered items. You can define which properties should be changed. In the following example, items will become inactive:

Please note that it may be necessary to edit "" in addition to "". This also applies to setting the clearance function, which must also be set for "Detail.lastStock".

Alternatively, calculation tasks can be defined here or strings can be extended:

// Apends "Example" to the short description of the item
Article.description append "Example"
// Calculates the item weight + 2
Detail.weight add 2
// Multiplies the topseller by 5
Article.pseudoSales multiply 5

Revert settings function

Please note, the restore function uses a folder in the server's file system to store the restore statements, these are stored under /files/backup, so make sure that this folder has read and write permissions for Shopware.

The restore function is used to restore the ORIGINAL state that existed before the change was made.

In the restore mode you can see the filters that were applied. You can also see which original changes were made.

By pressing the restore icon (blue rotating arrow), the change is restored to the ORIGINAL value.

The revert function is NOT a backup solution. You should always create a backup of your server before making changes in bulk!

Log function

Shopware creates a log of all activity performed within this module. You can find this log under Settings > Logfile.


As with the categories, for example, the associations are used here. So if you add "Hello" to the of 10 articles, the itself will of course be changed and thus also apply to the other articles with the corresponding unit.

Tips & Tricks


Deactivate all items in category X

First you create a new filter. In the query, use the CATEGORY.ID = "Your category" (you can find the category's ID under Items > Categories in the backend). You then click “execute” to see the filter result.

Now you just have to define the multi-edit for your items. To do this, first click on the “Multi-edit" button, then add your change statement under the column, which will be "". Your operation must be "set" because we want to deactivate the items. Then execute your changes; you will see the result immediately.


This list of values can also be found in the database. The keyword in front of the dot is important (e.g is located in the table s_articles in the column id.

  • article = s_article
  • attribute = s_articles_attributes
  • detail = s_articles_details
  • supplier = s_articles_supplier
  • category = s_categories
  • unit = s_core_units
  • tax = s_core_tax
  • vote = s_articles_vote
  • configurationset = s_article_configurator_set
  • configuratorgroup = s_article_configurator_group
  • configuratoroption = s_article_configurator_option
  • propertyset = s_filter
  • propertygroup = s_filter_option
  • propertyoption = s_filter_values
  • price = s_articles_prices
  • image = s_articles_img
  • HASIMAGE = Has an image
  • ISMAIN = Main item / variant preselection
  • HASPROPERTIES = Has properties
  • HASCONFIGURATOR = Has configurator
  • HASBLOCKPRICE = Has block prices
field nameDescription
article.nameItem - name
article.descriptionItem - short description
article.descriptionLongItem - long description
article.addedDate when the item was added
article.activeItem's active state
article.pseudoSalesPseudo sales of the item
article.highlightItem - highlight state
article.keywordsItem - meta keywords
article.changedDate when the item was changed
article.priceGroupActiveItem’s price groups are active
article.lastStockItem's “sold out” flag
article.notificationItem - notification state
article.templateItem - template
article.modeItem - mode
article.availableFromItem's “available from date”
article.availableToItem's “available to date”
detail.numberItem - order number
detail.supplierNumberItem - manufacturer number
detail.kindType of variant (1=preselection, 2=other)
detail.additionalTextAdditional text (variants text)
detail.activeItem - active state
detail.inStockItem - stock
detail.stockMinItem - min. stock
detail.weightItem - weight
detail.widthItem - width
detail.lengthItem - length
detail.heightItem - height
detail.eanItem - EAN
detail.positionItem - position (when more variants are used)
detail.minPurchaseItem - min. purchase
detail.purchaseStepsItem - purchase steps
detail.maxPurchaseItem - max. purchase
detail.purchaseUnitItem - purchase unit
detail.referenceUnitItem - reference unit
detail.packUnitItem - pack unit
detail.shippingFreeItem - shipping free state
detail.releaseDateItem - release date
detail.shippingTimeItem shipping time
supplier.nameSupplier - name
supplier.imageSupplier - image
supplier.linkSupplier - link
supplier.descriptionSupplier - description
category.nameCategory - name
category.positionCategory - position
category.metaKeywordsCategory - meta keywords
category.metaDescriptionCategory - meta description
category.cmsHeadlineCategory - headline
category.cmsTextCategory - description
category.activeCategory - active state
category.templateCategory - template
category.blogCategory - blog category state
category.pathCategory - path
category.externalCategory - external state
category.hideFilterHide category’s filter state
category.hideTopHide category’s top navigation state
category.noViewSelectHide category view
category.changedCategory - change date
category.addedCategory - add date
unit.nameUnit name (i.e. Lb.)
unit.unitUnit (i.e. pound)
attribute.attrFree text field
tax.taxTax rate
tax.nameTax rate name
vote.nameVote name
vote.headlineVote - headline
vote.commentVote - comment
vote.pointsVote - points
vote.datumVote - date
vote.activeVote - active state
vote.emailVote - email
vote.answerVote - answer
vote.answer_dateVote - answer date
configuratorset.nameConfiguratorSet - Name
configuratorset.publicConfiguratorSet - public state
configuratorset.typeConfiguratorSet type - (Image, Selection, Default)
configuratorgroup.nameConfiguratorGroup - name
configuratorgroup.descriptionConfiguratorGroup - description
configuratorgroup.positionConfiguratorGroup - position
configuratoroption.nameConfiguratorOption - name
configuratoroption.positionConfiguratorOption - position
propertyset.namePropertySet - name
propertyset.positionPropertySet - position
propertyset.comparablePropertySet - comparable state
propertyset.sortModePropertySet - sort mode
propertygroup.namePropertyGroup - name
propertygroup.filterablePropertyGroup - filterable state
propertyoption.valuePropertyOption - value
propertyoption.positionPropertyOption - position
propertyoption.valueNumericPropertyOption - numeric value
image.descriptionImage description
image.pathImage - path
image.mainImage main - state
image.positionImage - position
image.widthImage - width
image.heightImage - height
image.relationsImage - relations
image.extensionImage - extension
price.pseudoPricePseudo price
price.basePriceBase price

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