Advanced Search - Examples

In this article, we show you, how the different settings in the advanced search work in the storefront.

To use these examples, you need to have a version of elastic search or opensearch active in your environment and configured in your .env file.
Also you have to install and activate the Advanced Search extension.


To enable the search for your customers, you need to enable some settings in the advanced search configuration. You find them in Settings > Extensions > Shopware Advanced Search. Here you can decide which content should be available for a search in the storefront. 

Click on the link Define Search Indexes -> to enter the settings.

Choose "Product" (default) in the dropdown field Entity(1) and a list of fields, that are related to the product section appears, that can be used in the search index. Including the product name, product number, and description. At start, all fields are set to Not searched(2). To activate a field set it to Searched(3) and it will be addet to the index. 

In our example we have activated the fields productNumber and name.

In this case a search in the storefront will list the products in a search by name

and productnumber.

If you activate the checkbox partial Hits the list will contain products where the entry is part of the name. Otherwise, only products where the name starts with the entry will be found.

If the checkbox Compund words is active, the list of matches will contain products, where the entry matches over several words in the name.

If you also configured some fields in the manufacturer section, the list of matches also contian the names of manufacturers(1) that match the entry.

If you click on the name of the manufacturer, the products assigned to him will appear.


If you choose to boost some products,  go to the Boost section and define a new Boost.

As an example we use a dynamic product group(product stream) that lists all products that are on sale.
 This dynamic product group was defined before and filters all products that have a list price or are on clearance sale.
In the configuration of the boosting choose the Stream type Poduct Stream and in the dropdown TypeId select the dynamic product group(in our case "Sale").

Save the configuration and now all rpc und nun werden bei einer Suche in der Storefront die Produkte aus der angegebenen Dynamischen Produkte bevorzugt in den Suchergebnissen ausgegeben.

In our example, the product "Main product with properties" has a list price, and is, therefore, part of the boost and is placed before all other matching products.

More specifically the list price was added to the variant in size "S" so it will be highlighted when you click on it.


If a customer has to be lead to a specific product or link, when a certain searchword is entered, you can use an action to implement a route to a specific product or link.

In our example a customer should be lead to the product "Main product, free shipping with highlighting" if he searches the words "free" or "delivery".

In the field Search terms(1) define the relevant words, that could be used in the Search, and lead to the Product. In the field Type(2) choose "Forward Product" and in the field Product(3) the  Product that should appear.

If a customer searches the keyword "free" in the storefront, there will be a suggestion on the right side. Also, the product appears in the list on the left side.


You can use synonyms to guide the customer if his searched term is not specific. For example, he searches "smartphone" and the matches only list iPhones but if you also want to list smartphones from other manufacturers, you can add a list of synonyms to extend the search.

In the left(1) column, you can enter possible keywords that customers might use in the search. In the right(2) column fill in search words, which will find possible matches for your products.
Separate your entries by a comma. You can set up lists synonyms for different languages(3)

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