Scene Editor

Utilize the full potential of your 3D models by using them to create your product images. With the Scene Editor you can create various 3D scenes, place your products and easily generate images. Render unlimited images of your scenes, perfectly matched to your products.

You can find the Scene Editor via Content > Scene Editor. 

The Scene Editor is available to you as of a Rise plan.

The feature will first be published as a blueprint via the "Insider preview". 
To activate the feature, navigate to the help questionmark in the top right corner of your administration. Here you can activate the features of the Insider preview by clicking on View features.


In the Overview you can find all your already created scenes. You can also display your scenes in a list overview (1). In the Dropdownmenu Sort by: (2) you can choose to list your scenes by NameCreation date or Modification date. Every scene also has a contextmenu (3), where you can either EditDuplicate or Delete the scene. 
A new scene can be created via the button Create new scene (4).
If you just want to edit a scene, it is also enough to just click into the desired entry. 

Create new scene

When creating a new scene you will firts be asked to name the new scene. Afterwards you will directly be transefered into the scene editor of the new scene. 

Scene Editor

In the Scene Editor you create new scenes, or already created scenes can be edited. 

The central area (1) displays your scene. 

On the right side of the Scene Editor you can find a menubar. Via this menubar you can edit specific functions of your scene. Model (2), Lights (3), Cameras (4) and Scene (5) can be selected and edited in the menu.
Via the Camera Dropdown (6) you can select your configured cameras. The Model will the be viewed via this camera. 

The button (7) allows youi to reset the camera back to the standard postion of the Orbit View.   

With the eye (8) you can toggle the editor view. 

Via the plus and minus (9) symbols, you can zoom further out of your Scene. 

In the bottom left corner the rotation of the axis (10) are displayed. 

In the bottom right corner you can find the Move Object (11), Rotate Object (12) and Scale Object (13) buttons. 

After selecting the button, you can perform the function by clicking onto the model. 

A picture of your scene can be exported into your media by clicking Export image to media (14). After clicking the button a new overview is opened.  

Save scene (15) saves the configuration of the scene. 


In the model settings you can upload 3D models of your products and set them into the desired position.

Modeloverview: All models that have already been added to the scene are displayed in this frame. You can execute options 8 - 11 directly via the context menu.
Add 3D objekt:
Use this button to open the media management to add a 3D model to the scene (Type must be .glb). 

Add Group: Here, you can create a group and combine individual lights and shapes.Modelname: Enter a unique name for the added model here to distinguish it from the other models.

Visible: You can use this button to temporarily hide the selected model. This will not delete the model.
Here you can set the X, Y and Z coordinates of the model.
Rotation: Here you can rotate the model along the X, Y and Z axis.
Scale: Here you can scale the model into the X, Y und Z dimensions.
Place on floor: Here you can set the model back onto the floor.
Reset: Resets the Position, Rotation and Skalierung of the model. 
Duplicate: Here you can duplicate the currently selected model.
Delete: Deletes the model out of the scene.


In the light settings you can configure lights into the scene.  

Light (1): Here you can switch between already existing lights, or create a new light by selecting New point light

Light Name (2): Here the name of the light can be set.

Enabled (3): Here you can enable or disable the light. 

Position (4): Here you can set the position of the light via the X, Y and Z coordinates and therefore place the light into your desired location within the scene.

Light preset (5): Via this dropdown you can select one of our light presets, which will set the color of the light. Sunrise lightSunset lightNight light and Day light are available as presets. 

Color (6): Here the color of the light is set.

Intensity (7): Here you can set the intensity of the light. 

Duplicate (8): Here the light can be duplicated. 

Delete Light (9): here you can delete the light. 


In the camera settings you can create and configure the cameras fopr the scene. 

Camera (1): Here you can select already existing cameras for configuration, or create a new camera by selecting New camera

Camera Name (2): Here the name of the camera can be set. 

Position (3): Here you can set the postition of the camera via the X, Y und Z coordinates and therefore place the camera into your desired location within the scene.

Pivot (4): Here you can pivot the camera along the X, Y und Z coordinates. 

Lock transformations (5): By activating this function the configuration of the position and pivot are locked. 

Duplicate (6): Here you can duplicate the camera. 

Delete Camera (7): Here you can delete the camera. 


In the scene settings you can set the general configuration of the scene.

Scene name (1): Here the name of the scene can be set.

Background color (2): Here the background color of the scene can be configured. 

Floor (3): Here you can activate or deactivate the floor for the scene.   

Floor color (4): Here you can configure the color of the floor. 

Export image to media

With this button you can now generate an image out of the scene and export it into your media folder.   

To create an image you can now select a Camera (1), the Resolution (2) and the Width (3) and Hight (4) of the to be created image.  

After these settings have been configured, you can save the image by clicking Save image (5)

The image is then saved in the media folder Scene Editor Media



If you want to create shapes (platforms or walls), you can do this using the "Add 3D Object" button. Then, click on the "Primitives" tab.


Once you have added a shape, you can change its material properties and color.

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