Plugin Licenses - Questions and Answers

Licences FAQ

What does the "Plugin Warning" window mean when I open my backend?

If you are using a plugin for which you do not have a valid licence, a corresponding message will appear when you open the backend. At least one licence of the plugins you are using has expired.


How do I find out which plugins are not licensed?

In addition to the warning box (see above), another, smaller warning box is displayed in the Shopware backend. This shows you the name of the affected plugin. Shopware makes no difference here whether the plugin has the status "Activated", "Deactivated" or "Uninstalled" in the plugin manager. Unlicensed plugins must be completely deleted and may no longer appear in the plugin manager of your shop! In this example, the unlicensed plugin "Advanced Promotion Suite" still appears in the plugin manager. It must be completely deleted or the required licence must be purchased via the Shopware Store.

Note: If this message does not appear in your backend, delete all Shopware cookies in your browser and reload the backend.

How do I delete the affected plugin?

To remedy the licence violation, the plugin must be completely deleted from the plugin manager. It is not sufficient that it is only deactivated, as the plugin can then be reactivated at any time.

Step 1: In the backend of your shop, open the plugin manager and select the "Installed" tab. Then deactivate the plugin in the "Active" area (if still active) by clicking on the green tick:

Step 2: The plugin now appears under "Deactivated". Click on the button "Install/Uninstall".

Step 3: The plugin is now listed under "Uninstalled". Click on the "Delete" button there. This removes the plugin permanently from the plugin manager.

Note: If the plugin cannot be deleted, in most cases it can be deleted directly from the database. If there are complications, contact the plugin manufacturer, who can offer you support.

Step 4: Log in to the plugin manager under "My purchases" with your account access data so that the deletion of the plugin is displayed to us. 


Attention: If there is an installation in the subfolder or a local installation under the domain, the plugin must also be completely deleted there.

Why does the message "Trial licence expired" still appear in the backend, even though I have a valid rental licence?

In this case, it will be the case that the test licence for the affected plugin is still stored in the licence manager in the Shopware backend in addition to the rental licence.

Simply delete the test licence in the licence manager in the backend. After that, the message "Test licence expired" should no longer appear for the affected plugin.

Subscriptions FAQ

The information in this article relates to existing subscriptions. New subscriptions for Shopware 5 plugins can no longer be taken out. Further information on the end of life of Shopware 5 can be found here.    

What is a plugin subscription?

With a valid plugin subscription, you ensure that you are provided with plugin updates by the plugin manufacturer. Updates can include new plugin functions, optimizations, compatibility with new Shopware versions or the elimination of security gaps.

Note: Not all plugins have a subscription check. Free plugins, such as the Shopware PayPal plugin, can be updated without having to book a subscription.

Why is my plugin subscription no longer valid?

The subscriptions are limited in time and must be renewed by you via your Shopware account. The purchase of a plugin normally includes a subscription valid for 1 year. This means: You will be provided with plugin updates by the plugin manufacturer for 1 year. If you do not renew the plugin subscription, you will not be able to update the plugin and a corresponding message will appear when you open your backend:


Note: The subscription check checks all plugins listed in the plugin manager. The check does not distinguish whether the plugin is "Active", "Deactivated" or "Uninstalled". All plugins listed in the plugin manager are checked.

What are the consequences of using a plugin without a valid subscription?

A missing plugin subscription has no effect on the functionality of Shopware or the plugin concerned. However, you should bear in mind that in this case you can no longer benefit from improvements and compatibility on the part of the plugin manufacturer.

How do I find out which of my plugins listed in the Plugin Manager in the backend no longer has a subscription?

The message in the backend shows you which plugin does not have a valid subscription. In the example, the two plugins "Advanced Promotion Suite" and "Payment Icons/Payment Types for Header, Footer & Checkout" no longer have a valid subscription and can therefore no longer be updated.

How can I extend a plugin subscription?

In your Shopware account you will find the menu item Merchant (1) on the left-hand side. After you have selected this, you can click on the sub-option Shops (2). All domains that are linked to your Shopware account will be displayed there. Then click on the desired domain so that the licences (3) can be displayed. Within the list you can see which plugins are licensed for your domain and for which plugins a subscription is active. If you click on the ... button (4), a context menu opens in which you can then click on Details.


How can I unsubscribe from a rental licence?

If you have rented one or more plugins and would like to cancel this rental, you must log into your Shopware account at to do so. There you will find your current shops in the menu under Merchant > Shops (1). As soon as you have clicked on the desired shop, you will receive an overview of your licences. You will also find the rental licences (2). To cancel your rental licence, you must click on the ... button (3) to open the context menu. In this context menu, click on Details.


Clicking on Details takes you to the overview page of the selected plugin. You can now cancel the rental licence by clicking on the Cancel rental button (1).



After you have ticked the box, you will be asked for the reason for the termination of the rental and then the rental can be terminated. The status of the termination is then displayed directly on the overview page of the plugin.

Contact for queries about the account, licences or subscriptions

If you have any questions, please contact us at or call +49 (0) 2555 928850.

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