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The here described configurations are displayed in the checkout step 3.

  • Display shop cancellation policy: Shows the snippet ConfirmTextRightOfRevocationNew with the notice regarding the cancellation policy.
  • Display newsletter registration: You can optionally display a checkbox in the checkout where your customers can subscribe to your newsletter. Note, that this checkbox will only appear, if the customer is currently not subscribed. The shown snippet is: ConfirmLabelNewsletter
  • Display bank detail notice: Optionally you can display the snippet ConfirmInfoPaymentData with the notice regarding your bank account.
  • Display further notices: Optional: This shows the snippet ConfirmTextOrderDefault for your own purposes.
  • Display forther options: Optional: Adds the possibility to add items, voucher & comments in the checkout.
  • Display "free with purchase" items: Optionally you can display premium items in the checkout too, by default they were displayed only in the cart.
  • Display country descriptions: This shows the individual country description. Doing this, you can e.g. notice your customer about taxes or additional charges. This notice will appear directly near the the sum above the "send order"-button. The text can be configured in "Configuration > Basic settings > Shop settings > Countries". An example for additional charge at using cash on delivery: 

{if $ eq "cash"} plus 2,00 $ C.O.D. fee {/if}  
  • Display information for net orders: Optionally you can display a notice, if your customer orders net.
  • Display item details in modal box: If active, clicking an item in the checkout will open a modalbox, otherwise Shopware routes the user away from the checkout into the items detail page.
  • Send order mail: This defines, whether Shopware will send your customer an order confirmation mail (sORDER) or not. Deactivating may useful if your connected commodities management will send these mails.
  • Show checkbox for the right of revocations for ESD products: Shows a checkbox for the rights of revocations, which the user must accept to buy.
  • Product free text field for service products: This configures the free text field, which is used for service items. If Shopware finds any item in the cart with a value in this field, it shows a checkbox, which the user must accept to buy.
  • Always select payment method in checkout: This will guide every customer through the payment methods step in the checkout, even existing customers.
  • Template for essential characteristics:
    • Default template: If properties/filter are available, these will be shown, if no properties/filter are available, the short description will be shown. If even this is not available, the shortened description is used.

{if $} {$} {elseif $sBasketItem.additional_details.description} {$sBasketItem.additional_details.description} {else} {$sBasketItem.additional_details.description_long|strip_tags|truncate:50} {/if}  

Example to display the base price: 

{foreach item=price key=position from=$sBasketItem.additional_details.prices}
    {if $sBasketItem.quantity >= $price.valFrom &&  $sBasketItem.quantity <= $price.valTo || !$price.valTo}
        {assign var="referenceprice" value=$price.referenceprice}
{if $sBasketItem.additional_details.referenceprice} 
    <b>Base Price:</b> {$sBasketItem.purchaseunit|string_format:"%.2f"} {$sBasketItem.itemUnit} ({$referenceprice|currency}* / {$sBasketItem.additional_details.referenceunit} {$sBasketItem.itemUnit})

Tips & tricks

Remove the check of the general terms

The check of the general terms and conditions can be deactivated if you want to. For this you have to change the option Deactivate AGB terms checkbox on checkout page: to Yes at Configuration > Basic settings > Additional settings > Privacy. 

This will remove the AGB-Box at the last checkout page.

The customer now could finish the checkout without confirmation of the general terms and conditions.

Enable inquiry option in the cart

In the basic settings you can define for which amount the customer gets the option to request an individual inquiry for the products in the cart.

For this you have to change the option Minimum shopping cart value for offering individual requests: to the amount you want at Configuration > Basic settings > Frontend > Shopping cart / item details.

The frontend will now display this additional button Request offer (1) in the cart. To change the text of the button you can change the snipppet CheckoutActionsLinkOffer at Configuration > Snippets.

Output variables

You can output your variables by pasting the following code in the template for essential characteristics. The example will restrict the output by IP:

{if $smarty.server.REMOTE_ADDR == ''} {$sBasketItem|print_r} {/if}  

After clearing the cache all variables will output in the frontend. With this information you see directly which item data are available. This will look similar to this:

Array ( 
[id] => 670 
[sessionID] => 702r4gndiokp62a6g3g5foed82 
[userID] => 3 
[articlename] => Münsterländer Aperitif 16% 
[articleID] => 3 
[ordernumber] => SW10003 
[shippingfree] => 0 
[quantity] => 1 
[price] => 14,95 
[netprice] => 12.563025210084 
[tax_rate] => 19 
[datum] => 2015-06-15 08:40:48 
[modus] => 0 
[esdarticle] => 0 
[partnerID] => 
[lastviewport] => checkout 
[useragent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0 
[config] => 
[currencyFactor] => 1 
[packunit] => Flasche(n) 
[mainDetailId] => 3 
[articleDetailId] => 3 
[minpurchase] => 1 
[taxID] => 1 
[instock] => 25 
[suppliernumber] => 
[maxpurchase] => 100 
[purchasesteps] => 1 
[purchaseunit] => 0.7000 
[unitID] => 1 
[laststock] => 0 
[shippingtime] => 
[releasedate] => 
[sReleaseDate] => 
[ean] => 
[stockmin] => 0 
[ob_attr1] => 
[ob_attr2] => 
[ob_attr3] => 
[ob_attr4] => 
[ob_attr5] => 
[ob_attr6] => 

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