Here you can e.g. define your own IP address. Visitors and pageviews were not covered from this IP address in the Shopware own statistic.
Multiple IP addresses may be separated by spaces or commas.
You can enter a timeframe in the option maximum age for referrer statistics in which the referrer data will be cleaned by the cronjob, if it is active. The default value is 90.
With the option maximum age for impression statistics you change the timeframe in which old impression data is cleaned by the cronjob, if it is active. The default is 90.
If crawlers which appear in the Bot list should visit your page, the crawler will not be tracked. Pageviews and visits were not tracked in the statistic.
You can exband the list by even more bots. So if particulare pages or platforms crawl your shop, you can the name of the crawler under which it acts and include it into the bot list. So again not datas from this bot or visitor will be collected.
Already in the default version, Shopware provides numerous useful statistics about key aspects of your online shop, such as the number of visitors and page views, various conversion rates, a useful breakdown of end devices being used, and much more.
If you are working with multiple shops and/or language shops, you can access detailed information regarding relevant points in your shop and export the data as a CSV file.
Several reports also feature a diagram or chart of your statistics, allowing you to access this information easier in a visual form.
The various statistics tables are listed in a default order, which cannot be modified.
Example: turnover by weekdays
Example: Visitors
In the turnover statistics the calculations are similiar or the same for more single statistics. Because of this fact, we describe them here in detail and refer in the single explanation to the used calculation.
CALCULATION 1: Sum of the “order value incl. shipping costs” divided by the currency factor: SUM(orders.invoice_amount / orders.currencyFactor)
The following are not considered:
CALCULATION 2: Sum of the product price x sales volume / currency factor.
The quick overview was designed to provide you with the most vital key figures of your shop in one glance. The number of orders, conversion rate, revenue, number of new customers, visitors and page views are recalculated by the system every day.
Calculation: (number of orders / number of visitors) x 100
Calculation: (number of orders / number of abandoned carts + number of orders) x 100
Calculation: (number of orders / number of unique users) x 100
Calculation: (number of abandoned carts / number of unique visitors) x 100
Displays the first page the customer came to in your shop (incl. domain / host).
“New customers" are customers which are registered in your shop for less than 24 hours.
This section lists all turnover generated using the partner tracking link ( from Shopwares Affiliate program.
Turnover with sCampaign__ is generated by a Shopware newsletter.
Here you see a visual representation of your sales broken down by customer groups. Each order is connected to a specific customer account, which is then assigned to a particular customer group. The turnover per customer group cannot be separated by shop if the customer group belongs to several shops.
This report allows you to see the sources of traffic to your shop (e.g. if the customer used a search engine and clicked a result from your shop). Here you can see additional details such as the referrer URL and the used search term.
Some browsers(-addons) or operating systems may mask the referrer URL, so tracking will be impossible.
This provides an overview of the sales made for specific items during the chosen time range. Abandoned and cancelled orders are not included in this calculation.
Indicates how many orders are received in one day and how many come from new / existing customers.
This graph represents the age of your customers within the chosen time period. Surely this statistic makes sense only in situations where the birthday is requested from the customer, because customers without birthday are not considered by this statistic.
CALCULATION 1 - This graph displays the turnover generated per month.
CALCULATION 1 - This graph displays the turnover generated in weeks.
CALCULATION 1 - This graph displays the turnover generated for the different days of the week.
CALCULATION 1 - Here you can see in detail, at which daytime your shop generates the most turnover.
This shows the success of individual categories in your shop. Please note that the turnover cannot be considered 1:1, as Shopware products can be assigned to several categories. For example, if product A is listed in both categories B and C, the turnover will be displayed in both categories, there is no detailled division in which category the products was bought.
CALCULATION 1 - This provides an overview of where your customers come from.
CALCULATION 1 - This graph shows your sales divided by the used payment methods.
CALCULATION 1 - This graph shows your sales divided by the used shipping methods.
CALCULATION 2 - Turnover broken down by the manufacturers of the sold products.
A useful overview of turnover per device.
This statistic shows the most popular search terms used in your shop and also shows you the number of search requests and the number of products which were found for this term. This can help you build up your product lineup according to your serach terms.
Displays the number of visitors and page impressions on a daily basis. This table is also broken down by the devices being used by the visitors in your shop.
Overview of the page impressions for each product according to the defined dates. This tool also provides an analysis of which device is being used to view the respective product.
If you are using the Shopware Plugin Advanced Promotion Suite , you have in your evaluations two additional statistics.
You can view the statistics as a chart and as a table.
Shopware assembles statistics regarding customers and their use of the shopping cart, even if an order was not finally placed or the cart abandoned for some other reason. Those instances are treated as canceled orders and are displayed in Marketing > Analysis > Cancellation analysis. If an order gets placed after all, it is excluded from the analysis eventually.
These cancellations are nevertheless bound to hold useful information for you and your enterprise. Learning about the circumstances that lead customers to canceling their already filled carts is supposedly not only interesting, but most likely worthy of your attention. As the possible analysis with Shopware does not provide any insights relating to reasons for cart cancellations, there is but one other option: You might get on with asking your customers directly.
In Germany you must not use the functions - "ask for reason" and "send coupon" - without your customers' explicitly stated consent. Consult a lawyer, legal counsel or any other trustworthy source for legal information and discuss your intentions beforehand.
Visting Marketing > Analysis > Cancellation analysis you will find all canceled orders for your shop. Depicted are the order's date, price, payment method, customer credentials and the device type. Clicking one of the listed canceled orders opens the details section, holding information about individual items and positions.
The information processed in Cancellation analysis are taken from the database tables "s_order" and "s_statistics_currentusers".
In the tab "Canceled orders" you can pose questions to the listed customers. You are able to ask about the circumstances of the order and why it has ultimately been canceled via email.
By default Shopware uses the email template "sCANCELEDQUESTION" for this task. You access the template via Configuration > Email templates.
In this email template there are no variables (e.g. item number, cart value, customer data etc) available, due to data protection restrictions.
If you wish, you can attach a coupon to your inquiry - possibly helping to achieve a higher reply rate. Of course it is mandatory to have created the right kind of vouchers and enough corresponding codes beforehand.
Shopware utilizes the email template "sCANCELEDVOUCHER" for this task. You are able to find it in Email templates > System emails. The variable {$sVouchercode} is available in this template as well.
By clicking the blue "reload" icon, a canceled order can be transformed into a conventional order.
Canceled orders can only be transformed into regular orders, if the option generate customer numbers automatically, found in Basic settings > Frontend > Login / registration is set to "yes".
In the tab "Shopping carts" a detailed overview of the canceled orders appearing in your store is presented. You can get information on dates and time, amounts, values and calculations on various averages or unit prices. Furthermore it is noted, what articles are stored in shopping carts of canceled orders and what part of your shop customers were browsing before they canceled their order and ultimately left the shop.
These metrics provide information about all kinds of canceled shopping carts. Shopping carts that were filled by users who did not log in before finally abandoning their session are also presented here.
Amount: This term is calculated by the aggregated piece prices of all items in the cart. Total amounts for each item are NOT calculated. Individual items are counted once only.
Average price per unit: This term gets calculated as follows: Aggregated shopping carts for a day devided by the total number of cart items. The individual amounts for each cart item are not calculated, though.
Number of shopping carts: This term is counting the total number of abandoned shopping carts for the selected particular day.
This tab provides an overview of the items that have been put into shopping carts, but got canceled in the process. You can also get information about individual items and how often those have been canceled. You can also filter for specific time frames here.
Here you can analyse the specific pages your customers have been on when abandoning their shopping cart. The nomenclature is explained hereunder:
If this box is empty, the customer left your shop from a page that isn't directly connected to shopware. This might have been a third party plugin page for example.
Here you can see which payment method were selected when the order was canceled. This enables you to find out if there are payment methods that are favourable for canceling orders.
In the frontend, customers can be notified by e-mail if items are not available. You can evaluate the statistics of these requests under Marketing > Evaluations > E-mail notification.
The overview is separated into two windows. The left window shows the Items with notification inquiries (1) and the right window the Customers with notification inquiries (2), which relates to the selected item from right window.
In this column you will find a list of all items that were/are not available. Please note that items only display a notification function in the frontend if the email notification option has been activated on the item detail page. The extensions Cron and Notifications must also be installed and activated in the plugin manager..
Description of the columns
By clicking on the customer icon (1) you update the right window (2). This lists the customers who want to be notified when the item is available again or who have been notified when the item became available again.
This window lists a detailed overview of the customers, who want to receive a notification for the previously selected item.
Description of the columns
By clicking the Customer icon you open the customers account.