GoLive (Migration)

In this article, we'll look at the GoLive of your migration environment.
Here you will learn how to convert your migration environment to a live environment, which steps you have to take with your licenses, within your migration environment, and which other changes have to be made here.

Everything you need to prepare for going live can be found in the article migration environment.


Changes within the Shopware 6 target shop

Transfer Licensing Host
Within the Shopware 6 target shop you should now first transfer your licensing host to your main domain.
You can find it under Settings > Shopware Account.

Transfer domain within the sales channels
Call up your respective sales channels within your menu of your administration and enter the corresponding domain for your sales channel in the Url field.

Note that you have to do this step for each of your subshops separately now

Changes within your source shop

Customize shop settings
In your Source Shop shop, you should now adjust your shop settings accordingly, as you now have the main domain running on the new Shopware 6 shop.

I.e..: If your source sshop is a Shopware 5 shop, you should now place it in a subfolder and enter it here, within the menu item Settings > Shop Settings > Shops, accordingly. For a Shopware 6 source shop, you can transfer the domain in the sales channel accordingly. 
If you have a Magentoshop that should still be accessible for security reasons, you should configure it so that it is no longer accessible under the main domain but under a new one. 

Changes in the Hosting Environment

If available, get in touch with your hoster so that he can change the domain routing accordingly to be able to call up your shop under the correct URL.
The shop domain must now route to the subdirectory /public/ in the Shopware 6 installation directory (e.g. Shopware.com/installation directory/public/ ).
 If you run your own server, here is an example of an Apache server we have listed below.

<VirtualHost *:80> 
 ServerName "_HOST_NAME_" 
 DocumentRoot _SHOPWARE_DIR_/public 

 <Directory _SHOPWARE_DIR_> 
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews 
  AllowOverride All 
  Order allow,deny 
  allow from all 

 ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/shopware-platform.error.log 
 CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/shopware-platform.access.log combined 
 LogLevel debug 

Please remember to replace _SHOPWARE_DIR and _HOST_NAME_ with the Shopware 6 installation directory and server name. 
You will also notice that the DocumentRoot directory points to the /public/ folder in the Shopware 6 installation directory.
This is necessary because the frontend and the admin interface will be behind it and it is not necessary to refer to the public directory in the URL in the browser to call the frontend or the admin interface.   


Completing the migration

After you have performed the live run and all migrated data is up to date, you can complete the migration.

Please note when migrating from Shopware 5:
If you used the plugin migration wizard to book test licences during the migration, you must finalise the migration there before clicking on Complete migration in the migration wizard. Please check whether you have completed this step. You can find detailed instructions here

In doing so, the data records only required for the migration are removed from the database. Please note, however, that it is not possible to update the data afterwards.

To complete the migration, go to Settings > Extensions > Migration Wizard. There you call up the context menu via the "..." button (1) and select Complete migration (2).

When migrating from Magento, we recommend that you do not uninstall the migration extension, otherwise the password algorithms used by Magento will no longer be available and the migrated customers will no longer be able to log in.

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