How to report bugs

Why do we use Github Issues?

We are saying goodbye to our previous issue tracker ( for bugs and are pleased to be making the move to GitHub Issues for bug reporting. With this change, we are adapting our processes to the established standards and utilizing the advantages of GitHub Issues as a proven tool for bug reporting. Now that we have successfully moved idea reporting to UserVoice, the next logical step is to integrate bug reporting into the more efficient system designed for this purpose.

What do I need?

To view the issues in Github, you don't need anything at first. But if you want to create an issue yourself, or vote on issues that have already been created or comment on them, then you need a Github account. You can create one for free here.   

Has my problem already been reported? 

Before you create a new bug report, you should first check whether the problem is already known. You can find all bug reports under the following link: 

Here you will find an overview of all open bug reports. You can use keywords in the search field to search for specific issues. Leave the keywords is:issue and is:open in the search so that only bug reports that still have the status open are displayed. For example, if you want to find all open bug reports for searching in Shopware, use the following search term: is:issue is:open search 

You can then open the issues found to see further information and any comments from other users. 

One of the factors that determines which issues are implemented promptly is the number of responses. Under each issue, you have the opportunity to vote for the ticket with a "thumbs up" and thus increase its relevance. You also have the opportunity to add important aspects that have not yet been taken into account by commenting on the issue. 

How to create a new bug report?

To create a new bug report, click on New Issue in the issue overview at the top right.

On the next screen you will see the following options. If your problem is of course a critical security vulnerability, please report it in the Report a security vulnerability section. For all other bugs, click on the Get started button next to Bug report.      

Title (1): Enter a meaningful title for the issue here. Remember that this is the title that is displayed in the issue overview. It should therefore already contain everything important.   
PHP version (2): It is always possible that different PHP versions behave differently. For many problems it is therefore important for our developers to know the PHP version used.  
If you do not know which Shopware version your current installation is running on, you can create a php file in the public directory of your Shopware installation with the name "phpinfo.php" and the following content: 


You can then simply call up this file with the browser and read out the version.    
Shopware version (3): The currently used Shopware version is of course also very important in order to be able to reproduce the problem in a targeted manner. 
Affected area / extension (4): Select here which area or extension you think the issue belongs to.
Expected behavior (5): Describe the function where you have identified the problem and describe what you would expect it to do.  
Actual behavior (6): Describe how the function currently works contrary to your expectations or what does not work with the function.   
How to reproduce (7): Create as detailed a step-by-step guide as possible on how to reproduce the problem. The more detailed you describe the problem, the easier it is for the developers to reproduce and fix it. 

What about feature requests?

The Issues section in Github is exclusively for reporting bugs. If you would like to send us ideas and suggestions for new features, we have a separate area for this purpose. You can find it under

Where can I find my old bug reports?

All open bug issues from the issue tracker are also synchronized to Github. You will therefore also find them in Github. Tickets from the issue tracker that have already been closed can still be viewed on for the time being. However, the function to create a new issue there is no longer available.   

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