Immersive Elements

Immersive Elements consists of five dynamic blocks and is designed to engage customers, strengthen brand loyalty and increase conversion rates. The app is optimized for mobile, desktop and immersive devices such as VR headsets, ensuring a seamless and truly memorable shopping experience across all devices. The following five blocks are available in the first version of the app:   

  • Immersive Elements - Cylinder Gallery

  • Immersive Elements - Depth Gallery

  • Immersive Elements - 3D Model Journey

  • Immersive Elements - Slide Behind Gallery

  • Immersive Elements - VR Cinema 

You can find these blocks in the experience worlds in the blocks section under "Commerce".

About the extension

In collaboration with Instorier, the Norwegian experts in digital storytelling, we have developed an innovative app that transforms your online store into an unforgettable and dynamic brand experience.

Immersive Elements launches with five powerful components designed to engage your customers, build brand loyalty and increase conversions.

Fully optimized for mobile, desktop and spatial devices, the app delivers an immersive shopping experience.

Immersive Elements integrates seamlessly into your Shopware infrastructure and is a highly cost-effective alternative to using external resources.

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