Partner FAQ

Pre Sales Support

How can I log a lead as a Shopware integration partner? Account - Partner - Leads
Where can I find Shopware's product roadmap? Roadmap


How can I add multiple people to my Shopware accounts with different permissions? Account - Company Settings - User
Where can I add my company data? Account - Company Settings - User
Where can I find my invoices? Account - Company Settings - Accounting
Why is my customer's invoice being sent to them and not to me? Account - company Settings - Accounting

Customer Management

Where can I, as a Shopware partner, see all customers? Account - Partner - Customers
Where can I, as a Shopware partner, manage plans and licenses for apps for my customers? Account - Merchant - Shops

Technical Support

How can I get technical support for an app from the Shopware store? Account - Merchant - Support
How can I get technical support for a customer with a commercial plan? Account - Merchant - Support

Shopware Licenses & Apps

How can I set up a development environment to test all commercial features together with all available apps from the Shopware Store? Account - Partner - Wildcard Environments
How can I transfer licenses or apps between Shopware Accounts? Account - Merchant - Shops
How can I renew am app subscription? Account - Merchant - Shops
I want to start a Shopware 5 to Shopware 6 migration, what do I need to do to keep my licenses? Migration from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6

Your question is not answered here or do you have specific questions? Please use the contact form.

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