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Migration - System Requirements

Before you install Shopware 6, you should check that your server meets the system requirements. In this article we will show you what requirements your server should have and how you can easily check this with the Shopware Migration Wizard (only for Shopware 5).

System requirements

Operating system

Shopware generally supports most Unix-based operating systems. From experience we recommend to install Shopware 6 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or macOS Mojave 10.14.



Version >= 7.4.3 - <= 8.3
memory_limit 512M or higher
max_execution_time 30 seconds or higher
Composer 2.0 or higher


  • ext-dom
  • ext-fileinfo
  • ext-gd
  • ext-iconv
  • ext-intl
  • ext-json
  • ext-libxml
  • ext-mbstring
  • ext-openssl
  • ext-pcre
  • ext-pdo
  • ext-pdo_mysql
  • ext-phar
  • ext-simplexml
  • ext-xml
  • ext-zip
  • ext-zlib


  • MySQL 8.0 or higher
    MySQL versions 8.0.20 and 8.0.21 are not compatible due to technical problems in these versions.


  • MariaDB 10.3.22 or higher
    MariaDB versions 10.3.29, 10.4.19 and 10.5.10 are not compatible due to technical problems in these versions.
    The MariaDB versions 10.5.22, 10.6.15, 10.9.8, 10.10.6, 10.11.5, 11.0.3 are supported from Shopware version


Node.js 16.x.x
NPM 6.5.0 or higher


Apache 2.4 or higher with active mod-rewrite

Zend Opcache 256M or higher
Webserver with HTTP2 support
For database administration we recommend Adminer ( because it has better support for binary data types.

Shopware Migrationsassistent

If you are migrating from Shopware 5, the Shopware Migration Wizard will help you verify that the server of your current Shopware 5 installation and installed plugins meet the requirements to be migrated to Shopware 6. You can find the Shopware Migration Wizard for your Shopware 5 installation in the Shopware Plugin Store.

After you have installed and activated the plugin, reload the backend once. Click on the question mark symbol in the menu bar to find the Shopware 6 Update Check menu item.


The Requirements tab shows you which requirements for Shopware 6 your server currently already meets, and where you should configure your server before migration.


The tab Plugins shows you for your installed plugins whether they are also available for Shopware 6 and the configurations can be adopted.

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