
Your commissions

What do I get commissions for as a Shopware partner?

As a Shopware partner, you will receive a monthly commission of 10% on all active software subscriptions of your assigned customers. Commission items are listed individually in your partner area under Commissions.

What are credit notes?

Your commission account contains a monthly commission credit note that summarizes all commissions for one month. The amount will be paid to you on the 15th of the following month.

Where will my licence margins be credited to me?

We deduct the trade margin when you purchase a Professional Edition directly in the Shopware Store. This means that you, as a partner, can obtain the licence at a lower purchase price and thus charge your customer for it at the MSRP.

Why haven't I received the provisions for my customers' subscriptions?

It is important for receiving the provisions that the customer has at least one environment set to "productive". We pay the provisions with a delay of about 3 months.

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