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Setting up the Store for Ireland in English

Please note this is only valid Shopware 6.2.0 to using the individual language pack.

To get started with Shopware 6, download the latest version that can be found here.
Once that is done, please follow the instructions that can be found here to deploy Shopware.


Shopware is available in many languages, if you want to contribute you can do so on Crowdin by clicking here you are redirected to our Crowdin Shopware 6 page. 


Please note that the selected language is only for the installer.
In this guide we will show how to setup your store for Ireland using the English, the language can be changed to any language offered.

Pick the desired language from the drop down menu (1) and click Next (2).
Since we chose English, the menu will be in English.
Make sure that your system fulfills the system requirements and click Next.
Read and accept the general terms and conditions and click Next.
Enter the requested information about your database and click Next.

Where are using English (1), this and German (1) are considered system default languages in Shopware.
If you have a want to use a different language you should install and activate the corresponding language plug-in in the next step.
It's recommended that you use English or German as a default language.

Remember to set your default currency (2) this is important as it's used as a base for calculating differnt currencies.
After the installation, you can change the language in the Admin area for the complete store.
Fill in all required fields, and click Next (3).
If everything has been setup right you should now be presented with the login screen for the admin area.

First run wizard in the Admin

If the admin login does not show for a reason, you can call this by using
You will be greeted by the first run wizard. Since we picked English as the default language the admin will be shown in English.

Optional: install the a language pack (1) that you need and click Next (2). We don't need a language pack because where using a default language.

Optional: Changing the Admin language

You will be greeted by the first run wizard. If you wish to change the admin language you can do this under Administrator, expand and click your profile.

Set the User interface language (1) to the language that you desire and click Save (2)
Your admin area is now displayed in the language of your choice as seen below, different users can have a different admin language.


Changing the store settings

Now we need to change some setting so that the webstore is ready for Ireland.

Navigate to Sales channel of choice (1), add all countries (2) that you plan on using under this sales channel. Set the default country (3) to your primary country in this case the Ireland.
If you want to add more than one currency to the sales channel add these to the currencies (4), and set the default currency (5), in this case it's Euro.
Change the available language (6) to match all languages that you wish to display in this sales channel and then change the default language (7) for this channel to Englsih and click Save (7).
If you have more than one sales channel remember that these settings are only applied to the selected sales channel.

Adjusting the domain

If you are using more languages than only English, make sure that these settings are reflected in the domain. To check this scroll down to Domains and click the ... and select Edit domain.

Make sure the url (1) is right. Set the Currency (2)Language (3) and associated Snippet (4) as desired and click Edit domain (5) to save. These settings are mandatory and only apply to this domain.
Make sure to setup the domain for http and https and that these have the same settings.

If you added more languages you need to setup a sub domain like for Germany, these need their own domain within the sales channel, which will allow customers to switch the language from your store in the frontend. The mask will close and you see the changed settings.

Verify all previous settings under General settings and the Languages and Snippet set under Domains(1), if all are showing the settings click Save located at the top of the page.
If there are any default translations that don't meet your expectations these can be changed under Settings > Snippet.


We need to update the tax rates to reflect so these are valid for this country. This can be found under Settings > Tax.

Click on the ...(1) next to the tax rate that you want to change, this will open up a new mask.

Give your tax a Name (1) and enter the Default tax rate (2). The default tax rate is your fallback if nothing else is defined. You can define a tax rate for countries by clicking Add country (3). If you are done click save (4).In this example we will setup the tax rate for the Ireland which is 23%.

We changed the 20% default rate to 23%, and we added the Ireland and United Kingdom.
Adding the Ireland is not needed because the tax rate matches the default rate.

Choose a country (1) from the drop down list, set the tax rate (2) and choose whenever this applies to (3) the entire country, a zip code or a state. Save (4) your settings once you are done.

You will now see the default tax rate (1) added countries (2) with their
set tax rate. If every thing is as desired click save (3).

Adding custom pages

In this section we will explain how you can set up the footer from scratch.
The first thing that we need to do is add some categories, this needs to be done under Catalogues > Categories. How to set up a new category is explained here
Please make sure to pick a name that indicates what content can be found in the section, because the name will show up in the frontend

We add a new first level category (1) called Footer Navigation, after saving this we add two sub categories (2) Shop Service and Information, these are added in the shop default language. The language is shown in the drop down menu (3)

Now we have our basic category structure, we need to assign this as a entry point for our shop. First we select our Sales Channel (1), next we need to define the Entry point footer navigation (2).
In the drop down menu select Footer navigation, the one that we just created and click Save (3).

Now we are ready to create the shop pages that we want to show in the frontend under the appropriate section. In order to do so please navigate to Content > Shopping Experiences and create a new shop page. 
Information about shopping experiences and how to create them can be found here.

In this case we will create and add the shop page Shipping costs.

After you are happy with your layout, save the page.

Remember to use the button in the top right corner to switch between the languages that you use in your shop and translate these accordingly

Head back to Catalogues > Categories.
Create a sub category under one of the previously created sub category Infromation (1).
Name this Shipping costs (2), and assign the layout (3) that we just created in the last section.
Now you need to make sure the sub category is active and click Save (4).

To make sure every works as intend please navigate to the frontend of your store and take a look at the footer, you should see your newly created pages.

Landing page

Just like we created the shop pages for our footer we are going to create a landing page. We can do a lot with the shopping experiences so that it stands out.
Please navigate to Content > Shopping Experiences and create a new landing page. Information about shopping experiences and how to create them can be found here.

In this case we will create and add the landing page Homepage.

After you are happy with your layout, save the page.

In order to tie the landing page to the right category we navigate to our Sales channel (1), here we take a look at Entry point main navigation (2). This tells us where the customer will enter the site, thus telling us to witch category we need to add the landing page.

Head back to Catalogues > Categories. Click on the category (1) that's set as your entry point. Change the layout (2) to the created landing page, confirm and click on Save (3).

To make sure every works as intend please navigate to the frontend of your store and take a look at landing page.

Optional changing the demo data

categories and Products

Please note that these steps only apply if you have chosen to install the Demo data.
If you take a look at the frontend of your webstore you will notice that everything is in the desired language.
The Demo data will still be unchanged, in order to change this we need to go back into the admin area.
Navigate to Catalogues > Categories and pick a category that you want to change.

Change the name(1) of the category and click Save (3). The same applies to Products, these need to be changed or newly created.
If you use a second language don't forget to select the language from the drop down menu (1) that you'd like to add. Non translated entities will fallback to the default store language.
If you used the Demo Data there is something else that you might want to change.

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