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The PayPal extension offers you the possibility to provide your customers with the most common PayPal payment methods.


The installation of Shopware Markets is possible in several ways. On the one hand, you can obtain and configure the extension directly during the installation of Shopware in the initial setup wizard. On the other hand, you can also license the Shopware Markets extension directly in the Shopware Store at You can then download and install the extension under Extensions > My Extensions. It is important that you have previously logged in with your account in the Shopware Account tab. After the extension has been installed, you can activate it using the button to the left of the extension.

General configuration

You can configure PayPal in the admin under Settings > Extensions by clicking on PayPal.

Sales channels

In this drop-down menu, you can select for which of your sales channels the settings should be made. You can choose between All sales channels or individual sales channels. With the button Set PayPal as default, you can activate PayPal in the selected sales channel and set it as the default payment method.

PayPal Checkout

PayPal Checkout is the all-in-one solution that allows you to offer powerful and flexible payment processing features. With PayPal Checkout, you can submit your customers payments by invoice, credit card, direct debit, and many other local payment methods in addition to the classic PayPal. PayPal Checkout replaces its predecessor PayPal PLUS. Onboarding is required for some payment methods, such as purchase on account. You start the initial setup/onboarding by clicking the Start Onboarding button. Then log in to the PayPal site with your account and follow the instructions.  

The configuration for PayPal Checkout can be found via Settings > Payment methods.

Configuration Onboarding

Sandbox (1): This option can be enabled if you want to test the PayPal integration. In this case, no real payments will be made. Please note that the sandbox environment has its own credentials. 
Connect PayPal account / Start PayPal Checkout onboarding (2):
With this button, you can start the onboarding and the initial setup of the integration via the PayPal page. The PayPal API credentials will be configured automatically. 
Connect PayPal sandbox account / Start PayPal Checkout sandbox onboarding (3): With this button, you can start the onboarding for your PayPal sandbox account via the PayPal website. The PayPal API sandbox credentials will be configured automatically. 
Payment method name (4): PayPal Checkout provides many different payment types. The respective payment type is defined under this item.
Payment method status (5): The payment method status indicates whether the payment method can currently be used in your store or not. The status Onboarding needed and Authorized are possible.
Edit details (6): With this button, the PayPal payment method can be edited as any other payment method can. The description and an availability rule can be set up here, for example. 
Activate/deactivate payment method (7): You can use this button to activate or deactivate the respective payment method for your store. 

Configuration API settings

As an alternative to onboarding, you can also enter your PayPal API credentials directly, if available. 
Client ID (1): Here, you enter the PayPal REST ID. This is used by the extension to authenticate with the PayPal API.
Client secret (2): Here, you enter the REST-API Client-Secret, which the extension also uses to authenticate itself with the PayPal-API.
PayPal Merchant ID (3): This is where you enter your PayPal Merchant ID to authenticate the new PayPal Checkout feature.
Test API credentials (4): With the help of this button, you can test the credentials you entered. The result of the test will be displayed directly on the button itself.
Enable Sandbox (5): With this option, you can activate PayPal sandbox to test the integration.
Sandbox client ID (6): Here, you enter the PayPal Sandbox REST ID. This is used by the extension to authenticate itself with the PayPal API.
Sandbox client secret (7): Here, you enter the Sandbox REST API client secret, which the extension also uses to authenticate itself with the PayPal API.
Sandbox PayPal Merchant ID (8): This is where you enter your Sandbox PayPal Merchant ID to authenticate the new PayPal Checkout feature.
Test Sandbox API credentials (9): With the help of this button, you can test the credentials you entered. The result of the test is displayed directly on the button itself.

Paypal shipping tracking

With Paypal version 5.3.0 it is possible to transfer the shipping tracking ID of the shipping service provider to Paypal. However, this function is only available after successful checkout onboarding.

After that, you can set a default shipping provider under Settings > Shipping methods. You can find a list of possible shipping providers here.

In order to be able to transfer the tracking ID to PayPal, you have to manually enter the respective shipment number in Shopware. Add the number in the respective customer order within the order details. The added information will be automatically forwarded to PayPal after the entry.


Under behavior, you can make basic settings for the extension that are not only valid for the classic PayPal but also for the Express Checkout.
Merchant location (1): Here, you can enter your merchant location.
Payment acquisition (2): This is where you define when the payment is collected - i.e., when it is closed.
Submit cart (3): Here, you can choose whether the customer's shopping cart, i.e., the exact positions of the order, are allowed to be transferred to PayPal. If this option is deactivated, only the total amount is transferred.
Your own brand name on PayPal page (4): Here, you can set your own brand name for the advertisement on the PayPal payment page.
PayPal landing page (5): Here, you can choose whether the PayPal landing page should display the registration form or the login screen.
Submit order number (6): Activate this option if you want to send the order number to PayPal after completion.
Order number prefix (7): Here, you can determine which text is appended to the original order number, e.g., myShopSW20001. This option is only available if you have activated the previous option, "Submit order number to PayPal".
Order number suffix (8): Here, you can determine which one is attached to the order number, SW20001meinShop.
Excluded products (9): Here, products can be excluded from being paid for via PayPal payment methods. 
Excluded dynamic product groups (10): Here, entire dynamic product groups can be excluded from being paid for via PayPal payment methods. 

Credit- or debit card

PayPal uses the credit or debit card to check whether strong customer authentication via 3D Secure is required. If the option Block payments from non-3DS countries is activated, the corresponding card cannot be used for payment if a 3DS check is not possible.
3D Secure is a protocol to ensure safer payment with credit- and debit cards. 

Pay upon invoice

With the Pay upon invoice, your customers can place the order as a purchase on account. PayPal settles the invoice amount to you as the store operator, and the customer must settle the invoice as a transfer to PayPal / Ratepay.


This field can be used to implement additional information in customer e-mails for the payment method purchase on account, for example, notes on payment.

Invoice document 

If your customers place their orders with PayPal invoice purchase, the invoice will be paid by PayPal to you as the shop operator. This means that your customers have to transfer the invoice amount of their order directly to PayPal. For this purpose, your customers will automatically be shown the correct bank details after placing their order.

This payment information is also automatically displayed in the invoice if you create it under "Receipts" for this order.

Storefront presentation

If you have activated the option double opt-in for guest orders under Settings > Shop > Log-In & sign-up, no payment buttons will be displayed in the storefront.

Express Checkout Shortcut

The PayPal extension also offers the possibility of express checkout. With this option, your customer does not have to register in the shop for his order. The order will be processed solely through his PayPal account.


'Direct to PayPal' on detail page (1): Here, you can define whether the PayPal Express Button is shown on the item detail page.
'Direct to PayPal' in the shopping cart (2): Here, you can define if the PayPal Express Button should be shown in the shopping cart.
'Direct to PayPal' in the Off-Canvas shopping cart (3): If you activate this option, the Express Checkout Button will be shown in the Off-Canvas/Modal shopping cart.
'Direct to PayPal' on the login page (4): Here, you can determine whether the PayPal Express Checkout Button is offered on the login page.
'Direct to PayPal' on listing pages (5): If you activate this option, the Express Checkout Button will be displayed on listing pages.
Button color (6): This option offers you some colors in which the PayPal Express Button can be displayed. Gold, blue, silver, and black are offered.
Button shape (7): Here, you define the shape of the PayPal Express Button. You can choose between round and square.
Button language (8): In this field, you can enter different shop languages for the Express Checkout button. If the field is empty, the sales channel language will be used.
It is important that you enter the so-called "locale code" here, such as en_GB. A list of available language codes can be found on the PayPal site. You can also open the page by clicking on the link "here".
Display 'Pay Later' button next to the 'PayPal Checkout' button (9): Here, you can activate the option, that the 'Pay Later' button will be displayed next to and with the same design as the 'PayPal Checkout' button. 

'Pay Later' banner-

The PayPal extension enables you to display a banner for the installment payment and Pay Later on the item detail page, the (off-canvas) shopping cart, and when changing the payment method in the order process. This banner will be displayed on the items that match the criteria for the installment payment. For your customers to use the new installment payment in your shop, they must select the payment method PayPal in the checkout and log in with their PayPal account. Your customers can then check whether the payment method Installment Payment is available.


  • PayPal Pay Later is applicable for a shopping cart of 1 Euro or more. The maximum shopping cart value is 1,000 Euro. 

  • PayPal installment payment is applicable for a shopping cart of 5 Euro or more. The maximum shopping cart value is 5,000 Euro.

Further information about PayPal installment payments can be found here.


'Pay Later' banner on detail page (1): If this option is active, the 'Pay Later' banner will be shown on each product detail page.
'Pay Later' banner on cart (2):
If this option is active, the 'Pay Later' banner will be shown on the cart.
'Pay Later' banner on off-canvas cart (3):
If this option is active, the 'Pay Later' banner will be shown on the off-canvas cart.
'Pay Later' banner on login page (4):
If this option is active, the 'Pay Later' banner will be shown on the login and register page.
'Pay Later' banner on footer (5):
If this option is active, the 'Pay Later' banner will be shown on the footer.

Storefront view

Article detail page:

Offcanvas shopping chart:

Shopping cart:


Smart Payment Buttons

If you have selected "Other merchant location" under Behavior for the merchant location, the Smart Payment buttons will be displayed in the checkout in your store. For the configuration of these smart payment buttons, a new configuration option will be displayed as soon as you have changed the merchant location.


Enable the alternative payment methods for the Smart Payment Buttons (1): Enable the alternative payment methods for the Smart Payment Buttons.
Display Pay Later as a separate button (2): If the button is also, a "PayPal Pay Later" button is inserted, which leads the customer directly to the PayPal option to pay the amount after 30 days.  
Button color (3): This option offers you some colors where the PayPal Express button can be displayed. Gold, blue, silver, and black are offered.
Button shape (4): Here, you can define the shape of the PayPal Express button. You can choose between round and square.
Button language (5): In this field, you can enter different store languages for the Express Checkout button. If the field is empty, the sales channel language will be used. It is important that you enter the so-called "Locale Code" here, such as en_GB. You can find a list of available language codes on the PayPal page. You can also open the page by clicking on the link "here".

Storefront view

The smart payment buttons are displayed instead of the normal checkout button:

Paypal Refund

If an order has already been paid for, and you would like to cancel or refund this payment, this is possible via the actual order. For this purpose, you will find the Paypal tab with the item Create a new refund within the order.

The button create a new refund opens a new window in which optional information such as an invoice number or a reason for payment can be entered.

Via Execute, the amount is refunded and the payment status of the order is automatically set to Refunded.

PayPal disputes

If customers can pay you with PayPal, it can, of course, happen that disputes are opened on PayPal, to which you have to react. These can be, for example, incomplete or defective deliveries.
As of version 2.1.1, the PayPal extension offers you the ability to display all open PayPal disputes in your Shopware Admin.


You can find the open cases in your Shopware Admin under Customers > PayPal Disputes.

Overview (1): In the overview, you will find all open PayPal disputes and the most important information. On the one hand, the case ID, which you can use to open the case details. Furthermore, the last update, the due date of the next reply, the current status, the current stage of the conflict, and the amount at stake in the conflict case.
PayPal resolution center (2): This link, next to each conflict, will take you directly to the PayPal resolution center for the case in question.
Refresh (3): With this button, you can refresh the view of the conflicts. 
Filter (4): The filter allows you to filter the displayed disputes according to the dispute status and the sales channel.

In order to filter by sales channel, it is necessary to use a separate API for each sales channel.

Case details

You can access the case details through the case ID in the overview. Here you have all the details of the case listed once again.

Details (1): Here, you will find all the details of the open case.
Links (2): The links at the top of the page will take you directly to the PayPal resolution center for the case in question, where you can handle the case. On the other hand, you will find a link to the affected order. (This is currently only displayed for orders created using PayPal Express).
Raw data (3): In the raw data field, you will find a JSON string that contains all the information that Shopware has received from PayPal concerning the case.

Failed payments

Failed payments can happen for a variety of reasons. Possible reasons and further information can be found here.


To perform an update for the extension, you go to Extensions > My Extensions. In the list, find the PayPal extension, and in the next step, you can click on the Update button. The update will then run in the background, and the page will automatically reload.

Alternatively, you can initiate the update via the CLI by entering the following command in the console:

php bin/console plugin:update SwagPayPal


If you performed an update directly via SFTP/FTP, it may cause issues in the admin panel. Shopware 6 might not function correctly due to file movements. Additionally, the extension cannot be updated through the admin panel in this case. If this occurs, the following steps can help rectify the issue. These steps should be followed sequentially:

  • Reset OPCache (restart php-fpm or the entire server)

  • Clear the shop cache (execute php bin/console cache:clear or delete the var/cache folder)

  • Update the plugin (run php bin/console plugin:update SwagPayPal or update through the administration)

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